Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The hospitalizations and ICU numbers are freely available

You can figure out the percentage yourself.

0% have been reinfected

I was about to say his hands must have been glued to podium and then they broke free.

Great chance for the HSE to show their worth now, and excite a perfect vaccination roll out.

George Lee should a step short of calling Armageddon

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George Lee will miss these days. Heā€™s like a ventriloquist doll for NPHET. No interrogation of anything.

David Cullinane on now. A fucking mugwump.


The lad who thought he should have been minister for finance.


Not one question on vaccination


The ā€œup the raā€ lad is on the news now

Jaysus what a choice we have Up the RA Cullinane, Trampoline Donnelly and weasel cunt Harris. No wonder health is fucked.


Si will be on shortly with another ā€˜Little House on the Prairieā€™ folksy tweet to lift the nationā€™s spirit.

#StaySafe #BeKind


Theyā€™ve some power at the table for wan constituency though

Brian Cowen knew the score years ago with that Dept - putting those clowns in as Minister is no help at all

Or while waiting for consent they could have started with all nursing home staff, or hospital staff. Or John next door. Anyone at all really


I see reports of us in talks with with Pfizer re getting 10 or 15 extra vaccines.

I thought it was secured centrally through the EU.

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Itā€™s used as a place to put a potential leadership challenger to fuck then over. At least it used to be. Donnelly and Harris wouldnā€™t exactly come across as leaders in waiting.

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A close friend of Mrs ccha is a primary teacher. One of her colleagues came in to teach last week while waiting on test results. She returned positive. A large number of the teaching staff have been tested since the weekend. Our friend returned a negative.

I would have sympathy for the HSE when you are dealing with such idiocy.


Harris is doing his best at the moment to come across as a leader in waiting.

They got 10,000 doses on St Stephenā€™s Day. The target should have been for all those doses to be fully used within 72/96 hours. Vaccinations should have started at 8am on December 27th.

Instead we left this life saving vaccine on a pallet in a warehouse for three days. If consent couldnā€™t be attained for some vulnerable individuals, move on to someone who will give consent - anyone.


Did he ever finish his college degree?

I posted about the postal worker who did same after a positive testā€¦ No one cares anymore. Theyā€™ve lost the dressing room and are telling us to go out and take on the opposition with our star striker, Paul Vaccine, sitting on the bench and will only use him sparingly


The Hungarians went against the EU and got the Russian vaccine as well