Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

You’re obsessed with a return to the glory days of rock n roll

Once the vaccines start arriving they’ll have to ramp it up because they’ll be crucified otherwise


I presume they’ll have to get the finger out as storage will be an issue also

They’ve procured two storage fridges for the Pfizer vaccine to store 20k doses I think. So that’s probably the limit of a weekly capacity right there

This lad is certifiably nuts.

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Realistically we’ve another 18 months to go with this.

The new variant was a great stroke in fairness.

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Good point about the antigen testing though. Paddy’s Day isn’t too far away at this point either.

200k I was off a bit :sweat_smile:

You werent as far off as Neil Ferguson and McDonkey and the boys in terms of deaths for the year with their bullshit models.

Good. I’ve a niece nursing there.

200k a week would have us done by july thereabouts

If they came out with that target ill be reasonable happy, not great but acceptable. With the new lockdown they should come out with a plan to hit that timeline by Monday. They are in a shitshow already but they can still salvage it with dignity

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You’ve to do it twice

Realistically getting as much of the vulnerable and healthcare workers vaccinated as possible should lead to significant easing. Anywhere between 60-80% required for herd immunity

How far apart? Is a vaccination not counted as both doses?

Agreed, its great to see up north that they have doen around 80% of nursing homes in around 2 weeks. Good swift action.

Fair play to them. Hopefully now the ball is rolling here it gathers momentum and we see similar.

Problem is, our lockdowns are based off case numbers mate, rather than actual sickness or misfortunate deaths.

1700+ today,

I wonder how many of them will never even have a symptom.


Hopefully, we’re on the final straight now hopefully no more fuck ups. I don’t want to be listening to this shit in 5 years in a tribunal