Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Higher case numbers leads to higher hospitalizations and higher ICU.

Also more infected people means there will be even more cases against time. So even more sickness.

But you know this.

I do mate, I also admire your position on this to be honest.

But, I don’t buy this new variant nonsense, I dont believe that there has been more excess deaths in the country either since May when doctors began to realise ventalators were doing more harm than good.

Truth is, we don’t know the damage that these lockdowns are going to do - not just financially in terms of taxation for years to come but more importantly socially, on small business etc etc

Hopefully the vaccines come good next year. I wouldnt be holding my breath though.

Edit re excess deaths -

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They’ve silenced the guy who made the test. He designed the test thinking this could kill ten percent of those infected. It was a rush job. Half those testing positive don’t have it at all.

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You’ve nothing to worry about, pal.

You’ve clearly stated you’re not worried about COVID & won’t be taking a vaccine.

That’s not true really. It depends on who’s exposed. If the number of cases rocket up between 18-55 olds the hospitalised numbers will remain low. I’d it’s the at risk bracket they’ll rocket it.

If theres more people with the virus around its harder to keep it out of certain demographics

This test is so effective - people with barely if any virus end up testing positive.

That is an issue - can see the logic to it in terms of being extremely prudent, but its far from actually being accurate and unfortunately it deems these daily case numbers to be quite irrelevant.

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We would be much better off Focusing on protecting the At risk groups Than all this testing. The sole focus needs to be the vaccine and protecting the at risk groups. This testing is simply nonsense to try and create fear at this stage.

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The media and governments have shut him out.

Would we? Or would you?

Unlike you it seems mate, I am sincerely worried about the impact this will have on others across the country.

There is a lot of consequences to another level 5 lockdown.

The government would want to get their act together fast in terms of vaccinating the vulnerable.

With regards to myself, I won’t be getting the vaccine as I don’t feel that I need to.

Personal choice and freedom is very important.


Hieee racing has to go lads.

It’s a barbaric act. It hurts and kills people.

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The fact that there’s no weight put to that mate is niave in the extreme from not just our own government.

Its almost like people are free to die from anything else except Covid.

The reality is a lot different, unfortunately the media don’t acknowledge that at all.

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It is. Go mad. Lock yourself inside. See nothing. Do nothing. Our Chief Medical Officer gave out that people weren’t terrified enough. The virus is certainly real and a threat but it’s my strong opinion that we are doing more harm than good closing society and terrifying our elderly with these lockdowns


When does all the restrictions come in effect? Tonight?

Perception is everything mate,

In fairness to the media, most of them believe what they’re told as well. Don’t think its necessarily a case of some grand plan or whatever.

There’s definitely a new virus out there since February/March this year in the country. Is it over egged in terms of its deadlinesses - I think so.

Either way, we’ve a while to go before this is over yet. Will small business recover , with online shopping now well ingrained, it’s hard to know.

Midnight tonight

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