Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I have been an avid OIUTF since this started as ye all know itā€™s arrived in our house the last week does it change my thinking not a bitā€¦the eldest had a mild dose the missus is fairly flattened by it today but Iā€™m sure she will be grand despite being an avid OIUTF we have been very careful the past few weeks and had agreed with her relatives here that we wouldnā€™t call to each other etc and that Christmas present exchanges would be outside and socially distant etc. Itā€™s all down to how people behave and the vulnerable elderly underlying conditions people etc need to be exceptionally vigilant. Itā€™s all down to personal responsibility when the HSE contact tracing caller called the missus this morning she commended her on having only 3 close contacts ie the rest of us in the house over the last 24 hours same when the eldest was rang on Stephenā€™s Day she said she got 26 close contacts from someone else she rang this morning. Stay vigilant everyone.


Well said, mate.

Best wishes to the family.

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Just because you OIUTF doesnā€™t mean you act like a moron, take personal responsibility where needed. Fair play to you, you are being sensible. I hope the best for your family and speedy recovery


Iā€™d be bracketed in OIUTF but was similar. Avoided several social gatherings on offer in the 2 weeks leading up. An elderly relative had not seen us for a while and would have been alone otherwise. Iā€™d much rather give up a few social gatherings for that, and we knew when she went that it would be a while before we saw her again. It was still a risk though that we accepted.

Had planned to do stuff after Christmas but that was in hope more than expectation. Sporting outlets and the gyms are frustrating but such is life. Once we decided to go on about this meaningful Christmas stuff we had lost the room.

Having older kids or young adults in the house must be a nightmare. Far harder for them to just pause life.


The auld lad is having a procedure up in the Mater next week.

Heā€™s to travel up on Wednesday for it.

They rang him today telling him to travel up and down Monday also for a COVID test. His consultant is a former employer of my mother, and family friend, and gets onto the Mater saying a test can be arranged in Limerick for the auld lad. No, says the Mater. He has to drive to Dublin for a five minute test and drive back again :man_shrugging:


Some load of bollix thatšŸ˜”

Stuff like that should be exposed in the media. Shocking.

Nursing homes are losing staff to contact tracing teams. Why? There are an abundance of people in PUP limbo with the bouncing in and out of lockdown. Give these people 9 month contracts and train them to do the job instead of taking staff out of the areas where they are needed. This is madness

Did they give any meaningful explanation?

Woke up this morning and my energy is zapped . Worst day yet since I contracted covid.The other symptoms have died down . Still a bit to go now to get over this .

Best wishes to you and family .

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Hope you recover soon @bill


Thanks very much the same to you .

Best wishes @bill
@Fagan_ODowd how are you doing?

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Iā€™ve heard that the hospitals arenā€™t doing the same PCR test as is being used elsewhere in the country.

@glasagusban was making a jibe at me for having covid . Most disgusting remark iv had on here to date . My family is sick and have a young child too . I hope he doesnā€™t get it or his children or his extended family . Absolutely disgusting comment. Iā€™d hope mods deal with him @Bandage is this what the site is coming too .

Doing fine @Fitzy thanks

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@bill is the biggest simpleton on here since @codegreen



Says yer man here , howā€™s normality now for ya you fool !