Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Wait til he says vaccines don’t stop transmission and until everybody vaccinated we need to restrict people.

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So vaccinating 55 people gets you on that chart and we still don’t make it. We must have just vaccinated that one woman the other day for the photo opp.

My sources tell me schools won’t reopen until 18th January to allow 14 days from 4th January when people traditionally return home after Christmas break.

Hardly a surprise.

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Take care @bill

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Why do people believe the opposite of what is true…?

As with Sweden, so with Japan:

Japan considering declaring a state of emergency as Covid-19 cases surge

New coronavirus infections in Tokyo hit a record high of more than 1,300 on Thursday raising fears of an explosion in cases, local media reported.

The Japanese prime minister, Yoshihide Suga, has urged people to celebrate New Year quietly, and avoid non-essential outings, amid the twin crises.

Japan has been battling a third wave of Covid-19 infections in recent weeks and on Monday started barring the entry of non-resident foreign nationals after detecting variants of the virus from Britain and South Africa.

The economy minister, Yasutoshi Nishimura, said on Wednesday the government may have to consider declaring a state of emergency if the number the Covid-19 cases grows.

Updated at 8.14am GMT

7h ago 07:53

Because there’s a stark difference between cases v hospitalisations v deaths you giblet. How many times does this have to be said? Society should not be shutdown for cases, where the vast majority do not require hospital treatment. What is it exactly you think that people don’t believe?

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If your reply includes halitosis, freemasons or karma don’t fucking bother

Look, you have not a jot – dangerously so. Your personality prosthetic is as thick as thick could be. I wonder why… Not. All you are, here, is the equivalent of a latchiko ringing in from the men’s shed to agree with Niall Boylan.

I have explained the implication, in ladybird terms, of infection rate versus hospitalization/ICU/death rate. My lucidity cannot defeat your genes. Blame your parents – twice over, I would say. I doubt nature alone could produce as odious a little coward as you.

Now fuck off back into yourself. Waste your own time, grand, because your time is not valuable.

Any time…

Any time at all.

Or a reference to spud hockey

Infections have gone up and death/hospitalisation rates have gone down since March/April, there are many varied reasons to that. I’ll say it again because you’re thick as a plank - of course there is correlation between cases and hospitalisations and deaths - you’re not the only clairvoyant to notice that - society should not shutdown based on the current hospitalisation and death rate of this disease.

And I am tempted to look your fat head up when I’m home.

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Did Sweden get back to about your graph yet?

There’s no one left alive in Sweden

Are they stacking the bodies in makeshift freezers in Stockholm? You and your fellow lockdown fetish obsessives predicted it’d be a disaster over there because there was no lockdown, tens of thousands of deaths were mooted? How did it turn out, care to provide any stats?

By all means do. Any time, you pathetic gobshite.

I can clearly imagine the way you were brought up.

‘Oh, Seán down the road has taken up with an unmarried mother.’

'Oh, ‘twas far from new cars they were reared.’

‘Oh, I heard their Mary is no stranger to contraceptives.’

Then the mother puts on the kettle and carefully places six chocolate digestives on a plate.

I must be a sort of magician, really, to get cold stupid people so hot.

Bringing in special pandemic laws to facilitate lockdown is too late then. They were warned but didn’t heed the experts.

Read that back to yourself. Do the muldoons in the midlands enjoy this stuff? :smiley:

“the muldoons”

You really are a moron.

But post up a picture of yourself in your best gear.

We never did get to see what Sheridan Bucket looked like.


They don’t actually give you a phone and a desk, do they? You’re taking the piss now.