Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)


I predicted nowt u daft bastard. Even with the benefit of hindsight you’re still getting it wrong. What did Sweden say when you presented them with your irrefutable evidence that there was nothing to see here.


cc @Lazarus


Let’s see the stats, death rates etc how it has gone horribly wrong in Sweden, compared to other lockdown countries? You surely have these to hand to back up your argument?

Sweden are abandoning the ‘let it rip’ approach. Did they respond when you alerted them to your graph?

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Sweden are bringing in emergency legislation to allow them to shut businesses down and ban gatherings, with financial penalties introduced for breaking said laws.

I think this is fairly significant evidence that they think themselves that they didn’t handle it well

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Right, so you’ve no data to back up what you’re saying. I think we’ve established that previously.

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Martial law incoming going by those numbers.

And what’s the media reaction?

Ok then.

It’s not about what I’m saying. It’s what the Swedish themselves are saying. They obviously haven’t seen your graph. You need to send a follow up to them.

Backlog of about 1500 to be added in also :confused:

Mate, we were told by the lockdown proponents that without a lockdown covid deaths would be in the tens of thousands, bodies would be piled on the side of roads, in makeshift morgues. Sweden stands as evidence this hasn’t happened and isn’t the case unless you’ve data there that says otherwise?

Another triumph :clap: :clap:

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So despite the fact they attempted to pin it on the people and their failure to comply with restrictions, it’s the banjaxed, dysfunctional health service that is the issue.

Why are they introducing legislation now to enable lockdowns?

2600 by my count of the differences over the last week

hon Holohan

Its time an adult conversation was had around the temporary banning of the sales of alcohol on public health grounds

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There’s been 9 months of no lockdown there - are the bodies being kept in makeshift morgues? Are deaths off the charts?