Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

All the best. Hopefully you get no symptoms. Take care pal

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I have a bit of a cough for the last few days, I’ve had harder shites


Its tearing through the forum all week. @Rocko needs to consider Level 5

55k cases here today, 961 deaths. I’m part of that statistic

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There is a highly contagious INTERNET variant going around

Has Dr Tony made a statement yet?

How many deaths, give or take a thousand, would it take for you to accept that lockdowns should be considered as an option.

“Unless you’re an anti-alcohol conference, you can forget about it for 12 months”



“covid loves a crowd” some lad just actually said that on the news on LBC right now

Are you dead bro?

Over 7k dead in the last two days in America. Jesus

Best of luck @Tassotti

You should ask yourself that question. Japan has a population of 127 million and as of yesterday has had 3,414 Covid deaths, a death rate of 27 per million. Without having the kind of mindless draconian lockdowns that western countries have had. Countries that have had extended lockdowns such as the US, UK, Italy and Spain have had death rates approaching 50X the Japanese rate, almost a year into this pandemic.

But lockdowns work right?


For clowns, doing the same thing every night, under the lights, works ever so well.

But it is still a circus.

Sweden never had a “let it rip” approach, stop lying.

The issue with Sweden is the “experts” predicted that Sweden would have 100k deaths unless they adopted the same lockdown strategies that other western countries did. Why hasn’t this happened in your considered opinion? Surely their death rate should be far in excess of countries of similar population and population density? What’s the 7 day average death rate in Sweden currently compared to other western countries that have adopted lockdown strategies?


Some “experts” predicted Sweden were “done with Covid”. Swedish government obviously believe their original approach hasn’t worked. You should tell them it has worked, send the graph and cc that other lunatic on it.

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Proof positive that the approach taken doesn’t work. Here in Cali we had the earliest and strictest lockdown since March (unless of course you are the governor and break your own restrictions, attending fundraising events with no social distancing), and now have the worst statistics in the country.

Why is that if western style lockdowns work?

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Just to inform you all that it was not this fella at all. Outsiders! Place was strewn with rubbish and yoga mats today the filthy bastards! Apologies to Niall who is a decent fella. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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