Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Sweden had a better outcome than most of Europe in the first wave of Covid, and were done with that wave in the same timeframe as other countries. Their statistics are nowhere near western Europe in this second wave. Why are western European countries doing so badly if lockdowns work?

Sweden has not gone into lockdown. Their constitution does not allow the kind of draconian (and useless) lockdowns other European countries have pursued, they are voting to amend it to allow more strict measures. The earliest this can be implemented is March. Again, stop lying about Sweden, it’s a pathetic argument.


I am interested in the California angle and have been following the numbers. To what do you attribute to current situation?

How do you think it’s getting into hospitals & nursing homes?

With the cases exploding in Ireland, we could very well be heading to a Swedish death rate.

It was inevitable in every country with a susceptible population.

The continued obsession with March and lockdown decisions made them are bizarre to say the least.

The problems seems to be not the volumes of vulnerable people contracting the virus in other settings, the problem seems to spread of it in hospital and nursing home settings - which is scandalous.

Probably a few lads in NPHET who get weak/faint around injections/vaccines that don’t fancy getting a jab.

Can you not see that most countries haven’t had Strict Lockdowns at all but would still fall under Lockdown category as have Ireland.

Japanese obviously seem to wear masks as a norm in some cities and practice good hygiene as well.

It is still amazing a densely populated Country like Japan has fared so well, most Asian countries appear to have done well.

As you have said yourself, some States in America are doing far better than others. Is it down to population density, State travel & tourism?

A combination of factors. I would say the main one is a significant population has said fuck your lockdowns I’ll take my chances with the virus, mainly young people who are largely unaffected by it. Lockdown fatigue, there’s almost as much traffic on the roads as there was pre March. People spending more time indoors, as we move into winter or what we call winter. Travel and family gatherings over Thanksgiving and Christmas.


Oh you’re on about first and second waves now. When did you come to the realisation that you called it wrong.

Best of luck @Tassotti shame you can’t enjoy Brexit tonight

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Yes, that’s the basis for my argument, western style lockdowns don’t work. For a variety of reasons, the main one being people are still milling around in shops and think a rag around their face protects them. The only thing that works in limiting spread is peoples’ behavior, keep your distance from others especially indoors, limit gatherings, practice good hygiene as you said. Even in that scenario if everyone complied, the best you can do is limit the spread.

The lunatics driving lockdowns actually believe in zero Covid, which is total insanity. Unless you are an island in the middle of the Pacific and can control all entry.


Does Covid differentiate between the Pacific and Atlantic?

Best of luck @Tassotti, I’ll include you in my prayers later.

Apparently not, Iceland has 20% the death rate of Ireland.

Agree on all of that.

But if certain restrictions were not applied the community transmission would surely increase further.

Personal responsibility doesn’t seem to matter to the average Joe, I personally blame the Government & Health service for extremely poor communication to the public.

We are where we are now. Fucked in the short term.

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They’ve pulled the plug on testing.

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I called this right. Close contacts aren’t being tested any more. Just being told to stay at home.


They should have done that six months ago.

Level 6 is being made watch RTE1’s new years eve countdown with Kathyrn Thomas and Deidre O’Kane

With a bit of Mundy and Mary Coughlan thrown in for good measure.