Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Walk me through that.

They do the exact opposite and encourage people not to social distance as they have a magical mask.


Fully aware of that mate, but there’s an argument to be made that people got complacent with them on,

They offer little to no protection from incoming droplets versus 2 meter distance.

Particularly outside, waste of time.

Has anyone actually asked themselves what a ‘case’ is yet?

When using Cloth masks it was advised that social distance was still required.

That’s why vulnerable people are being given proper surgical masks ( my Dad included )

N95 was it?

They’re a different story, good to hear that he got a hold of something that actually will protect his health.

Mandatory cloth mask wearing as is, are a fucking joke.

Not in my experience but then I haven’t been in positions so crowded to say otherwise.

Cloth masks are a token gesture


When did the face mask rule come in? In the uk it was during the summer when the seasonal virus had waned but when tory chums found themselves with a bit of a surplus sitting around after they’d ripped off the nhs.
Who is profiteering in the 26?

But this scenario is exactly what the OIUTF vanguard want, what they desire to see all over the world. Actually, I correct myself: they do not want merely “disaster medicine mode”. They hanker for Mad Max disaster medicine mode, because they think the pain – whatever the attendant chaos – will ultimately be a gain in the form of ‘herd immunity’. They advance this scenario as an imperative but are oddly shy about owning this imperative’s logic. And that email is merely the first portal through which the herd immunity unicorn must be chased. Far more Gothic portals lie after.

Not strike anyone else what lies beneath the vanguard stance? They are deliberately silent on this topic but it is a chthonic source for their vapourings. Topic: the disproportionate ways in which the various underclasses suffer from this virus. If you despise the underclass simply on free market ‘prosperity is virtue’ criteria, you will not blanch, secretly, at the idea of Covid 19 as a cull.

Of course, you will need to proffer guff about shielding the elderly, shielding the medically vulnerable. Explicit endorsement of euthanasia, for most, remains a step too far. But silent pleasure at a cull? Oh yes: the tight glee of angry white middle-aged kangos, Sheridan Enny and all the rest.

For them, the whole process is fantasy land, an abstraction. For everyone else, especially for pragmatists, the whole process truly deserves the designation ‘tragedy’.

OIUTF: Obtuse Ignorant Unthinking Tawdry Fantasists.


A good test of their effectiveness is to walk outside on a cold morning and exhale out through them.

You can’t see virus droplets, I can’t understand how the WHO confirmed they of no use in March/April and then changed their tune and made them mandatory from Jily onwards. I don’t get it.

They’re a joke, they don’t protect people at all properly.

Face masks have done more harm than good. People think facemasks are the vaccine.

A good test of their effectiveness would be to scale up the relative size of particles and spaces and look for real world comparisons. Using a galvanised gate to keep out wasps would be an example

Your considered a murderer for not wearing one going into a shop.

I normally do out of politeness, but its a waste of time…unless you’ve an N95 and are in the vulnerable category.

If tony and luke were remotely convinced of the effectiveness of masks wouldn’t discarded masks be treated as bio hazards? They’re not of course. That would just be stupid.

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Would I be right in saying there are a lot of studies to show masks are effective and a lot of studies to show they aren’t?

There was a shortage in March/April and it was more important for healthcare workers to get them

Before all sorts of studios are studied one should study when they were written.


People are advised to wash them after use at high temperatures, mate.

Do you remember this?