Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

N95 masks are effective in Health Care settings. In reality we should be wearing them for day to day interactions but demand would surely outstrip supply needs.

This wave may just wake people up a bit. People became totally blasĂ© to this from late summer. Everyone thought it would arrive at someone else’s door to their own.

Reality is that to have any security to it you need to live in strict circles which is fucking real hard in the modern world.

I’m here thinking to myself about Crùche opening again Monday knowing there is a chance the younger members of their staff could be carrying something back to work with them. Or possibly other kids could bring it in etc.
We’ve basically kept it low key over Xmas.

Things have changed this week, it’s stories everyday of more & more people we know being confirmed with it. They’re all okay thankfully but will they all isolate for 2 weeks and keep the virus in their own home?

If numbers are as bad as reported I can’t see Crùche or Primary schools back until February and tbh I can’t but agree with such a stance.

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The disposable ones?

It has become apparent that people think by wearing masks that social distancing is not necessary to the same extent as previous. The 2m rule of thumb has become an afterthought. It was fairly well observed in earlier lockdowns before summer but people are a bit willy nilly now when it comes to social distancing. I’m not sure they are that effective unless you change the mask after every interaction. Most people use 1 over a substantial period of time.

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No, disposable are supposed to be dumped once worn once.

There are lads going around with them on weeks after first use wrapped down under their chins.

Some are less blood thirsty but were still willing to bet this would not happen in Ireland despite it happening in other parts of the world. They shouted ‘Sweden, Sweden’ and ridiculed New Zealand for at least attempting something to protect everyone.

I can’t believe both @bill and @Tassotti have covid. Just can’t believe it. It’s really shook me.

Hopefully one of them pulls through.


There are 2 “cases” in our house first case age 23 very mild symptoms a bit of tiredness and a cough kept boozing over the last week more or less fine now second case age 50 absolutely flattened to the bed since Tuesday morning not much of a cough but aches and pains all over.


How are ye managing with isolating yourself and the daughter? Or are ye even trying?

The response so far in this country and Europe in general has been an abject failure. Guilty of group think. Say what you want about Sweden or New Zealand but at least they have a plan or are trying something different. Some people are glad that 2020 is fading in the wing mirror but 2021 could be just as bleak and darkest days look like they lie ahead. We are on the precipis of returning to restrictions not seen since early April when childcare and schools were closed. We have achieved the square root of fuck all and we are solely reliant on a HSE which is the most dysfunctional shit bag of an organisation in the history of the state. I’d take a complete and total lockdown now until April if it meant that we could achieve something like Aus/NZ have done but I don’t believe it is achievable or that the competence/joined up thinking is there to do that. So in short our only hope is a HSE metamorphosis that can role out vaccine in massive numbers.


We are doing the towels, sanitising everywhere etc and have 2 bathrooms so the :microbe: pair are using one and we’re using the other. We didn’t at all on Christmas Day just went fook it well all probably get it missus wears a mask when she gets up briefly and I have been on the couch the last few nights. Still can’t believe 2 of us have escaped but we’re not out of the woods yet.


Mother nature demands that one of us dies

Don’t know who either of those people are.

The tiredness and cough might even have something to do with covid. The pcr test isn’t going to know though

There were people predicting this would likely happen when the first lockdown ended. They were ridiculed. The north was always the problem, not an insurmountable one but the hunger/bravery was never there.

The two of you need to knock that shit on the head. There’s a reasonable argument to be made that lockdowns will cost many times more lives than covid, if we even knew from the stats how many of the covid deaths were caused by covid. I’ll not lay the lockdown deaths at your door though

Any idea on the breakdown of cycle iterations on the PCR tests across countries? It seems that some do up to 35-40 cycles and the fear is that it’s just finding fragments of covid at that stage and sending the likes of nurses home for 2 weeks over it is crazy. No doubt we do 40 or 50.

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I’m just not sure the competence is there to execute such a strategy successfully. All we have been doing is stalling. Besides all that DUP are a major impediment too and any alignment to a Dublin strategy would be perceived as a trojan horse manoeuvre to a United Ireland. You know what they’re like.

I suspect there’s very little difference and that the numbers discrepancy is down to testing, attribution, misdiagnosis etc. StatisticaÄșly I don’t think there are any excess deaths in either jurisdiction

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In addition to that it would go without saying that schools would have to close to achieve zero covid. At least until after Easter. It is simply not feasible to suppress a virus with schools open. Anything else is half arsed.

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20 was about the norm, and numbers go up exponentially over 30
according to my extensive research. It’s a shitshow