Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

DUP would likely have stopped any cross border approach but doesnā€™t mean it shouldnā€™t have been tried, maybe it was. The hunger was there for border controls during foot and mouth.

Yeah I have long since suspected that to be the case. In fullness of time I donā€™t think there will be a dichotomy in outcomes between the 2 jurisdictions.

I think youd have to kill everyone, along with most of the bats, all of the pangolins, and some penguins just to be sure. Be worth it though, they wouldnā€™t have died ā€˜withā€™ covid


The mentallers donā€™t care how we live, or die for that matter, as long as itā€™s not from covid.

Unlike the other mentallers youā€™re an intelligent bloke. Whatā€™s the ā€˜reasonableā€™ argument for the above statement.

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Imagine needing this explained. Crawl back under your rock ffs.

If you were black bill heā€™d be down mopping your brow and tucking you into bed.

Steady on.

A study was published the other day estimating lockdown deaths at 550,000 in the uk. Damned if I can find it, quite possibly downrated by Google

I agree. Also, I had personal dealings with this man in private a while back. An absolute gentleman, out and out, and I could not speak highly enough of him.

But we disagree profoundly, here. But what can you doā€¦ Makes me sad, really. But I am too opinionated to be silent, here.

But a true gentleman in private dealings with a stranger. Only fair I emphasize this truth, which is a far higher truth than flyting on a discussion board.

I do not think there is a ā€˜reasonableā€™ argument for going through that email portal. Nor, in truth, does any political ā€˜leaderā€™, except maybe Trump and Bolsonaro.


Or a misplaced doilly.

General impression that Iā€™m getting is that people have lost all interest in the fucking thing at this stage. Yoyo lockdowns, talks of armageddon. People are just sick and tired of it. All they want is the vaccine. Regardless of what side of the argument one is on, I dont think this is the right state of mind to be going into this stage. I reckon theres a minimum of another 12 months left before we get back to any sense of normality and thatā€™s assuming our governors dont fall into the same mindset as us


Well said, sir. I think that comment might be the wisest one on this thread.

Thinking about serious illness and death is not easyā€¦ As well you know.

Keep well in 2021.

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Iā€™d strongly disagree here mike. Twas like this before Christmas alright but tonight everyone is at home.

I actually canā€™t believe it. No house parties, no gatherings just nothing on New Yearā€™s Eve. Iā€™m here on my own miserable. I hope itā€™s all over soon but whatever about the past few weeks the whole country is at home alone tonight from what I can see. The mood has changed.

Happy new year @Malarkey

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And you, very much. Most kind.

I have a few good friends in your game. So I think often of yere position in all this awful tangle. Hope to visit your premises in 2021. Lay in some Blue Spot. Lovely stuff.


Happy New Year folks. The only way is up!

Thanks for keeping the place going @Rocko .


Couple of things here kid. You can be damn sure theres house parties going on tonight.
Yes the more elderly among us are correctly watching their every move and rightly so.
But we are at a crossroads now. Some people are taking the line that fuck it, theyā€™ll be vaccinated in a few months anyway, so off we go. Others are taking the mindset that if the vaccines for some reason dont work , theyā€™re going to take the attitude of fuck it anyway and carry on with life. I guarantee you if there isnā€™t significant progress by early spring, people on masses are going to revolt. Iā€™m not saying this is right or wrong but theres an edginess starting to appear and there isnā€™t a whole lot of patience left.

Ps. Kid. Have a great 2021. A wise man on tfk once said, if you put your troubles on the table along with everyone else, youd gladly walk out with them again.

Chin up


Well said :clap: :clap:

Fair enough but Iā€™m genuinely shocked even lads who havenā€™t given it one hoot since the summer Iā€™d know are at home tonight. Iā€™m genuinely surprised.

I really think the mood has completely changed in the last week.

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I think young people realise that sitting around in houses sipping cans is shit craic really and isnā€™t worth the hassle of being considered a potential murderer now at this stage.

From what I can see and hear most people are at home with their families tonight.