Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The mood has most definitely changed, but its now one of impatience/frustration and people now setting goals/times and saying if we’re not at least looking like we’re making progress by a certain date, they’re just going to say fuck it.

The fact is none of us has a clear idea of what is going on. Up here everyone has a personal anecdote about a death being put down to covid when it was obvious covid want the cause of death. 95% of people who died WITH it had too many other ‘co-morbiities’ to make ICU suitable…end of life care deemed more appropriate
The definition of a case has changed fundamentally purely to suit the needs of the reporting of the virus, or to stoke up the fears by. Previously a case was termed a case when someone had severe enough symptoms to Warren a diagnosis. Now its …maybe has or had or carried some fragment of some virus without ever having been in the slightest danger.

The death rate from heart attacks, cancers and strokes has dropped significantly, but the overall death rate remains s consistent.
Why? People didn’t stop dying of cancer etc. Its simply the case that their deaths are being misattributed. Or maybe I’m just a granny killer.

@Malarkey what’s your verdict on the Jim Mac whiskey?

Get back under the table.

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Ok boss

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Not going to spoof: have not run across that whiskey…

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Sometimes the house party can actually be far better than the nightclub itself. Not worth it this year though for fear of being a spreader.

Tipp’s and Toome’s John O’Brien among those who launched it recently. called after an uncle of his Jim McDonnell who had a pub in Gurtagarry. Good pal of mine who has become a big whiskey fan says it’s lovely, I’ve yet to be converted from the gin myself. Happy New year to you and yours


It’ll just be a rebottling of some other crowds whiskey so?

I think House Parties are shite even in normal times.

At least there’s a sense of adventure in a pub.

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Not sure how it works, was under the impression that there’s more to it than that

Pubs can be very good alright. Had a great NYE in Galway last year in some of its fine pubs.

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Minister Harris telling “Joe Public” that he’s proud of him

Galway is a great place

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Best of luck pal.

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Key difference is everyone knows someone with it right now. Wasn’t the case for a lot of the year gone. And people know people who got it and were grand with it, but then they wernt grand they were very sick for a while. And most people will be fine after a while. But even with “a bad flu” you will be grand after a few months, but you’d still be better off not having had it


I still don’t know anyone that has gotten it… Or else they’ve kept it quiet. But none of my family or close friends have got it.

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You will in a week. Before I got it my brother in law and a few colleagues were only folks I knew. In the past week Iv been told of 7 or 8 people in their 50s and 60s who got it. Three of them from drinking in NCW watching the hurling final

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Cheers mate

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Turning into RTÉ there for one of the few times of the year. Lynn Ruane advocating that the President of the United States steps aside to let the Vice President do the job as it is a female and woman of colour.