Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Mind blowing shit

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Thank god I thought Iā€™d imagined it

God Holohan wishes that RTƉ video on the non returning emigrants was aired before Christmas.

Myself and @Thomas_Brady have more colour than Kamala Harris.


Mundy and Luke Oā€™Neill


Confirmed no second test as a close contact of the missus Iā€™ll soldier on so

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Luke Oā€™Neill is a bit of craic.

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Luke Oā€™Neill rocking out on the guitarā€¦ By Godā€¦ GUBU at its finest

Peak Covid


Luke Oā€™Neill is some legend lads

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ā€œThanks for plugging me bookā€

He must have made the best sellers list after all the plugging?

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To be fair to Luke, he has a small bit of personality and likeability.

Imagine McDonkey or Tomas Ryan at that craic.


i heard he was a multi millonaire - sold a company

Which one never heard of Messi


At least Luke wants to get us out of this sorry mess.

Heā€™s an inoffensive man.

Agree with you. He isnā€™t that bad to be fair, and is very successful. Letting him on stage with a guitar is peak Covid for sure though

How did whoever booked the guests even come up with that?

A duet between Mundy and Professor Luke Oā€™Neill.

What will they sing?

Mundyā€™s hit from 20 years ago.


No, the other one.


The two lads are seething