Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

As we speak theyā€™re in the study poring over the statistics and predicting even more misery.

Luke is having a bit of a laugh after a shit year generally for everyone.

Mcdonkeys mickey must be red raw after looking at all the case figures this week. Cant stay away from himself

Bad Flu fucksake. the problam is passing it on and not even knowing it, otherwise Iā€™m on the cod side

Weā€™re used to RTE throwing out any auld shite but that was off the charts brutal.I donā€™t even know where to start.


Only just watched the last 30 mins of it. Jason Byrnes ā€œpearls of wisdomā€ put the tin hat on it. Bottom of the barrel stuff. However I thought the clips of Rock of Cashel, Spanish Arch and all the other landmarks lit up was done very well.

Getting smacked into the face with a hammer is funnier than Jason bryne


Luke is a great bloke, doesnā€™t give one flying fuck about what anybody thinks, always comes across wells in interviews and chat

His book ā€˜The great Irish science bookā€™ is brilliant for older kids, the begrudgery is off the hook


Iā€™m bedridden with it anyway . First few days were grand a bit of a cough and a sore throat . I was on the cod side too. But its after taking every last bit of energy I have and the cough is back .

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Did you see the jovial e chat with the school kids. Heā€™s a cretin, a creep and a tramp. He should stick to the microscope and stay away from behavioral science, moral decisions and children in particular. Heā€™s also a calculating liar who has correctly judged the naivety of the public in peddling lies.
The pandemic and the publicity have gone to his head something shocking. If heā€™s not COTY itā€™ll be a bad day for the forum.

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Get well soon @bill.

Please keep us informed on how youā€™re doing.

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A family member and close contact was feeling unwell a few days back and went for a test. They were told it was negative but weā€™re called back the next day to say it was actually positive. Apparently there was a mistake made with a bunch of tests.

I was expecting a call from a contact tracer but it looks like this wonā€™t be happening now, not that Iā€™d had any contacts to share.

I had been feeling ropey for few days with flu/cold like symptoms but with sore eyes and a sort of throb in my head.

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Get a Private one done man . Fuck the hse. You are entitled to know if you have it or not .

You should be getting a test. Itā€™s only contacts with no symptoms are supposed to not look for test

If you read nothing else read this.

ā€œDid someone die with COVID19, of COVID19 ā€“ or did it have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with COVID19? Who knows? I certainly donā€™t, and I wrote some of the death certificates myself.ā€

ā€œSo, again, what have I learned about COVID19? I learned that all Governments are floundering about, all claiming to have exerted some sort of control over this disease and ignoring all evidence to the contrary.ā€

ā€œin this so-called second wave COVID19 is of no greater an issue than a moderately bad flu season.ā€

ā€œWe should just vaccinate those at greatest risk of dying, the elderly and vulnerable, and put this rather embarrassing episode of mad banner waving behind us.ā€

ā€œThis pandemic is going to be a model for all mass panicking stupidity in the future. Because to do otherwise, would be to admit that we made a pigā€™s ear of it this time. Far too many powerful reputations at stake to allow that.ā€


Rotten thing to say about someone

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You need to open your eyes. Thereā€™s an excuse for simpletons promoting that mask fraud but for a scientist to be forcing it on childrenā€¦next year? And thatā€™s just the start of itā€¦permanent bracelets, social lives restricted unless kids comply.
The man is a fanatic


I have no idea what youā€™re talking about but I may have misinterpreted your assertion that he was a creep who should be made to stay away from children.
My impression of Luke is that heā€™s a decent sort who wants the best for us, I donā€™t think he has an agenda

Go check on the bit of Turkey or something will. Stop shit stirring on new years day.

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Thatā€™s about it. Based on the video I mentioned and posted elsewhere.

Ah right so