Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

How much has his bank balance increased during all this? He has a likable personality tbf but Iā€™m wide of him

This is like the recent news report announcing an ambulance shortageā€¦filmed in front of an ambulance park jammed with ambulances.
Can anyone spot what is going on here?

Was that the one where he was issuing the thinly veiled threats about mandatory ankle/wrist bracelets in order to travel and that couldnā€™t be removed like someone on temporary release from prison?

I donā€™t think his bank balance will have been that affected, he was a very wealthy man before March 2020, I donā€™t believe money drives him in any way, but thatā€™s just going on what little I know of him.
Saying somebody should stay away from children is off really.

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Thatā€™s the one, wasnā€™t even just travelā€¦so dial occasions in general. Utter weirdo lining his pockets with fear and superstition


Thatā€™s the spirit, it enabled generations of abuse but sure itā€™s important to take the middle ground on these matters

Well thatā€™s an interesting take.
Generations of abuse against children excuses internet posters making suggestions of impropriety against anybody, I donā€™t think so

The flags are a nice touch

Are you breaking your New Years resolution already mate?

And the Eazyzap for the bit of health and safety

Probably safer than most pubs

Am I being petty or nasty? I donā€™t believe so, I can have a Frank discussion,

No, itā€™s the same attitude. Blind faith and trust in authority figures even when the evidence is if front of your face. Just to be clear, masking and putting permanent bracelets on innocent children is, in my view a form of abuse- particularly when thereā€™s no scientific justification for it.

But you wont comment on any of this, youā€™ll just issue sanctimonious platitudes.

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Lovely mark of respect for Frank Murphy by capitalising the F there


Obviously a wexford connection and the saddle cloths on the roof look interesting

They canā€™t use an increase in positivity rate as a comparative metric when theyā€™ve completely changed the criteria for testing and basically excluded anyone without symptoms.


Oh yes they can

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Twas shocking stuff

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