Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Shur look, a quick Google reveals a few articles where that chap is described as a quack.

Would you think high cholesterol is a factor in Heart Attacks for example?

Joy of the Internet I suppose, everyone can spread their beliefs.

COVID19 for me means protecting those who are vulnerable. Those who have to provide care to the population, the Nurses & Doctors.
Okay, itā€™s effects can be mild in many but absolutely devastating in some too.

I canā€™t side with those who say COVID in people with underlying issues is not the killer, if it limits your time alive then it is a huge contributor to your death imo.

They were still testing close contacts yesterday.

50% is a crazy figure so


The doctor who was responsible for carrying out frontal lobotomy on patients suffering from mental illness was given the Nobel prize for his efforts. Who do you think funded the studies that established the cholesterol myth?

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No surprise to see itā€™s the horse and greyhound racing set

Do you remember last year, when you had the commonsense not to visit people, especially your elderly relatives, when you had the flu? What happened to that common sense?

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Contact tracing still ringing me ,hounding me . Iv a good mind to tell them fuck off now and let me be . My second time telling them the story . Gave names who were all negative. Close my case like . Itā€™s not like they can do anything for anyone , thought they pulled the plug on this yesterday

Yeah that below the belt. I donā€™t agree with the overall love for o neill but I get why people like him. He seems like a genuinely nice fella. Iā€™d have no problem having a pint with him. The children comment is odd, heā€™s nothing like Simon Harris who is faux nice.

Old favourite Gerry Killeen is back. He seems to have mused that this variant couldnā€™t be controlled but has changed his mind and wants the lockdown to end all lockdowns.

No even 5+ is enough. We need 5+++.

Put something decent on tv and it might keep people in

Simon Harris has young kids of his own,
Again I canā€™t comment with any certainty but Iā€™d say Simon is also a very nice man, I saw him at Bloom in 2019 and while I understand that itā€™s a politicians job to give people time he seemed very genuine about it and seemed to be an excellent parent in the short view that I had

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Yeah. Still no comment on the video though. Just bowing and scraping to aā€¦wait for itā€¦a ā€˜scientistā€™

This guy is a dangerous headbanger @mickee321

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COVID-19 14-day incidence rates per 100,000 population by Local Electoral Area (LEA), Ireland 15/12/2020 to 28/12/2020


Oh yes they can. And if you read any replies under that tweet youā€™ll see that the sheeple are on board with it.

Helluva beat down


Eh they stopped in many places around Stevens day it just wasnā€™t reported. Iā€™ve three family members who were close contacts of their parent who caught it on the ā€œfront lineā€ waited 5 days for a test before being told to just isolate.

They all got it in wuhan and are all immune now . Herd immunity.

Iā€™d say the Chinese are watching in stunned amazement at the bun worry thatā€™s going on in western society