Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

5573 in the last 24 hours?


By god.

We’ll need military intervention.

Is that what they’ll announce on the news? There’ll be some diving under the bed if they do

There’s a handy 4 million for the testing company. Exponential growth anyone?

No idea what they’ll announce on the news. NPHET said yesterday there was about 4000 cases in the system to be confirmed in the coming days.

It seems the figure is actually 5300 ish when you add in yesterday’s swab data.

Add in today’s numbers and you’ll have about 10k cases in the system to be confirmed at some point. No case figures in yet today.

I was told today by somebody that would know such things that the powers that be will be downplaying the figures in the coming days so as to avoid a panic situation, things are gonna get hairy, mind the vulnerable, it’s not a cod

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Seems to be odd news coming out in relation to Crèche services.

Private childcare ok Monday but those under government ECCE scheme not expected back until 11th January.

So similar per capita to what the north have been running at now

That’s close to 80k in U.K. cases or 380k in the US. That’s some good going, sounds like people had their meaningful Christmas.

Do you believe there is a new strain out there? It was it just a case of everyone dropping their guard?

A cover up or any attempt will be exposed

ECCE is education.
Creche is childcare.

I know it seems like two sides of same coin.

Anyone taken the trouble to ask themselves what a 'case’s is?

A perfect storm of the new strain and people being unleashed after a 2nd lockdown, combined with Christmas.

Unfortunately it looks like what we feared might happen in March is actually happening now. No one, not even NPHETs worst case scenario models predicted this.

There was never any cover up and there won’t be one now, I was laughing at the lads who seemed to think that the HSE were massaging the figures all along for their own evil purposes,
The reporting of the figures may be done in such a way as to downplay the panic while still obviously frightening us into adherence, it’s a balancing act,
But the HSE are very worried now that they will be overwhelmed very soon

Are you really this simple? There is no new strain, never mind onebthats more transmissible. Even Hancock himself didn’t actually say it was more transmissible.
People are utter utter mugs


You’ve gone OTT lately. Did you a click on a Facebook link to a video from an expert Dr who said it’s all a cod?