Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

There are multiple different variants or strains, as has been proven, scientifically, since the emergence in 2019.

How come those ultra sensitive dodgy PCR tests have gone from showing 500 cases to 5000 cases? Bill Gates tapped Tony on the shoulder?

We arenā€™t in a good place.

M elderly neighbour has it

Itā€™s everywhere now as far as I can see

Off the chart numbers. Couple of so called essential businesses in Clonmel have closed their doors voluntarily. Coming days could create a bit of hysteria. Good leadership and communication is never needed more than now.

Holohan will surely have to resign

Heā€™s made a balls of it


Youā€™ve bought into this new strain shite without listening to a single credible individual saying it had been confirmed. Intelligent people shouldnā€™t peddle that shite

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I donā€™t think thereā€™s any leadership or communication that will satisfy a large percentage of the population, literally everything has been criticised and ridiculed from the beginning

There is simply no way schools can return on 11th of January. We are far beyond anything seen up to now. Time for parents to practice their 2, 3 and 4 times tables.

Whatā€™s a ā€˜caseā€™ there buddy?

Sure tell the forum your own theory there

Can schools not just keep going into July ? I donā€™t see the big deal.


I think the numbers would suggest there is a more contagious strain about definitely. The numbers have exploded compared to similar previous reopenings

So why did some clown of a tan politician suddenly, onnthe eve of lockdown say he may have anecdotal evidence of a possible new strain which may be more transmissibleā€¦only for a bunch of simpletons here to start wringing their hands.

People loosened up more too. Itā€™s hard to tell.

Only hope is that we were possible at these kind of numbers in March but just didnā€™t have the testing capacity to find them.

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I dont think the positivity percentage rate was as high even then

Could also be down to every tom dick and harry getting tested in March also

A big reason for that is because there has been conflicting advice, non sensical arbitrary rules and tension between govt and health authorities. Most of all a 5 level plan that they themselves made a mockery of. New year clean slate etc. Message should be to buckle in for a bumpy couple of months with something tangible to show for it by Easter. What is clear is that the virus will spiral out of control whenever you do open up. We patted ourselves on the back at having lowest rate in Europe in early December, now we have one of the fastest growing rates in Europe. Its all timing and chosing when to take the hit with this thing.

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Before this caper it meant someone presenting with severe enough SYMPTOMS was diagnosed with a SPECIFIC illness.
Now it means very little

What are the icu figures?