Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

We need to reduce testing.

So they didn’t need a Lockdown because numbers were very small…

It shouldn’t bother you mate, whatever they do you’ll piss yourself in disagreement anyway.

It’s gas watching the lads who called it all a cod now looking for decisive leadership.

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Hop on to the site and compare S Korea, a country with 51 million people, to countries in Europe with roughly similar populations. See if you can spot any differences.

The military are doing the tests.

I doubt what they’re carrying is any worse than what they’re likely to pickup over here at the moment

No, they had measures in place that worked much better. They still do, their current cases and deaths are far below that seen in Europe and the US.

Hypochondriacs feeling sick after too much turkey.

They’re headed into lockdown

No I don’t either but it’s frustrating that they can come half way round the world yet I can’t go 5.1km. Optics innit?

South Korea have laws whereby the state can track everything about you and basically remove all personal freedom of information to trace you in a pandemic. They have teams of epidemiologists set up to do contact tracing.

Would you prefer the state to be able to lock you up if you willingly don’t consent to give them every bit of information you own?

They are considering lockdown, similar to Sweden. that’s a reflection of well they have handled it, a country of 51 million people who never imposed the kind of draconian lockdowns seen in Europe but have less than half the number of deaths as Ireland, and currently have lower case numbers than Ireland.

Quit the bullshit pls, you are generally better than that.

South Korea have done a remarkable job at containing it with a track and trace system that was set up and tested during MERS. They were ahead of the curve. They are the blueprint

If they are. Say bye bye to owning your information

Why won’t you give New Zealand credit for doing a good job?

So basically what you are saying is Ireland and the rest of Europe did the best they could given that people are not willing to give up certain rights. Are you fucking mental? The months of “lockdowns” didn’t infringe on peoples’ rights? A country with 5 million people couldn’t establish a test and trace system, even though there are tens of thousands out of work? You don’t need to be a epidemiologist to conduct contact tracing.

Those responsible for the response in western countries should be locked up, not those unwilling to consent.

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I’ve never said New Zealand did not do a good job, but it was far easier for them. It’s nonsense to compare them to a European country.

The laws aren’t in place that are in South Korea to obtain the information needed to digitally trace a human being - the teams of contact tracers aren’t in place like they were there. The infrastructure to digitally trace a human being were not there. The knowledge of how to do it was not there.

Getting that ramped up during a crisis was a pipe dream and a failure. Everywhere. Being unprepared for a pandemic is understandable, considering no one here has seen one during their lifetime.

I love the way you say Europe as if America hasn’t been a cluster fuck also…

In the absence of all that your response is to say - yerra wash your hands and keep your distance, you’ll be grand or “protect, the vulnerable”, how? yerra wash your hands and keep your distance.

I know you won’t answer honestly, and you’ll find some squirmy bullshit way out of it, but answer me this.

If Ireland didn’t lockdown today, how would the situation look in 4-6 weeks. As it stands now, at this point. With the cases now… What would it look like?

Appears more kids being affected by this in UK now than in first wave

I read that and if it is true it is really fucking scary, more data needed to verify it

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I did some digging on this matter and got a (sort of) answer. All of the positive tests are sent to the HPSC for “validation.” From what I can see this only involves removing duplicates or people who are still positive and not a new case. It’s this process that there is a delay in. Which is all well and good and I appreciate they are busy, but I am still not sold on why it’s taking so long? Removing duplicates can’t be this hard on any sort of modern computer system