Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Iā€™ve consistently criticized the US response. Here, let me do it again for you, the US response has been a shitshow, for the same reasons seen in Europe.

There is absolutely no reason why a proper test and trace system could not be set up, other than incompetence.

The question you asked is the same question that was asked in March, if we donā€™t lockdown now, things will be out of control in weeks. Yet here we are. Because of clowns who believe western style lockdowns work, even through they have been shown repeatedly not to work. The definition of insanity, etc.

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I honestly think theyā€™ll wait until Monday before releasing as people arenā€™t back from whatever travels they undertook for Christmas etc and they want to avoid panic, thatā€™s just my opinion

Would putting in a huge number like that avoid panic or add to it? Iā€™d imagine we also have to declare our numbers within a given timeframe to be eligible for that EU travel system (assuming that hasnā€™t been shelved).

If Ireland didnā€™t lock down today, with the cases as they are, how would the situation look in 4-6 weeks?

I would imagine announcing 10,000 cases on Sunday night is going to cause a minor kerfuffle

Those responsible for sacking those who have been sacked have just been sacked.

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Stand by lads.

The Irish Sea Border. :whale2::dolphin::whale::ireland::handshake:

Announcing 5k cases in the middle of the holidays would have either way, Iā€™d imagine. Theyā€™re timing the release of it I think

The fella in charge of the spreadsheet in HSPC will be back from his Christmas holidays on Monday

Unless of course theres been 7 or 8 thousand duplicates of course

The swabs v cases had generally balanced out to within a few cases up to now.

When people were contacted by Contact Tracers & tests booked they didnā€™t show.

People awaiting Tests after being confirmed close contacts continued to work.

People with Flu symptoms continued to work.

As the saying goes, lead a horse to water.

So spare us your Western Europe is failing horseshit, nobody is winning in this game.

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I was genuinely shocked at the amount of cars going through the testing centre almost constantly

There is a lad with the excel sheet open on his desktop and is on annual leave so no one else can edit it.

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If we were testing for the winter flu virus 12 months agoā€¦ How many positive swabs would we have had?


I donā€™t know and neither do you. I suspect it will make no difference as there are enough people who will ignore the lockdown, the virus will still spread among people who think a rag protects them, and there is absolutely no way to enforce the lockdown. Lockdown fatigue is a real issue, weā€™ve had very little lifting of restrictions here but cases are completely out of control. Because enough people donā€™t give a shit. Whatever willingness to follow government restrictions was there is long gone.

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So throw the auld hat at and do nothing? Right

Youā€™ve now reverted to stupid so Iā€™ll leave it there.

Tens of thousands I reckon

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