Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

So what? No lockdown. What, then? Wash your hands?

What businesses?

Is respiratory viruses spiking in January a new thing?

Does anyone have Ajaiā€™s number?


Theyā€™ll be having a webinar on Monday morning to talk about the sumif function. The system blockage should free up after that.


I think Iā€™ve asked you this before @Tierneevin1979. I get your point about lockdowns and the problems with them and it makes a lot of sense. Without them being full communist style savage lockdowns you are only wasting your time and kicking the can down the road.
As Esteban is asking though now ā€˜we are where we areā€™ what would you do right now if you were in charge of ireland?

The virus was in Europe before the wuhan outbreakā€¦do you really think it didnā€™t spread within chinaā€¦do you believe that wuhan locked down, sprayed the pavement and opened up a few weeks later?

Can I get a batch of your honey please? Sounds like mighty stuff altogether

Youā€™re a different view altogether from @Tierneevin1979 you think itā€™s completely overblown and some sort of conspiracy even. I think if deaths rise to match cases here youā€™ll have been proved totally wrong but if they donā€™t there will be some merit in your argument.

Point to somewhere in the world where lockdowns or masks have made a difference?

A conspiracy? I said the government(s) response was and is an utter shitshow. There are plenty of individuals, businesses etc exploiting the situation. The WHO have been an absolute disgrace. I donā€™t expect to see any politicians or celebrity scientists holding up their hands and admitting they got it wrong.

But the term ā€˜conspiracy theoryā€™ ā€¦it serves itā€™s purpose I suppose.

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The WHO is kind of a cod of an operation though.

A bit like the Association of International Accountants.

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I would make vaccinating everyone over 65 the highest priority of the state and apply whatever resources are necessary to get it done as quickly as possible. No excuses acceptable.


And what about other restrictions for the rest of the public?

Things improving in the Bod household eldest is recovered and heā€™s out the gap on Monday per the isolation period so we wonā€™t have to rely on the goodwill of friends and relatives for shoppingā€‹:+1:. Mrs Bod had her best day since Monday today as well so hopefully worst is over. Myself and the youngest still ok so hopefully we are close to being in the clear. Had a busy day today, started by cleaning the kitchen, washed the floor, hoovered the rest of the house, put on a wash and cleared the dryer, prepped vegetables and the spuds for dinner, cleaned the main bathroom and finally cleared the stove. Got a few hours of peace watching the racing and then had dinner around 5, my 2 grateful ā€˜childrenā€™ grumbled about having no ham with the turkey but the stuffing saved the dayā€‹:rofl:. Having a few :beers: now. We go again tomorrow.


Hope you are ok bod. Let us no if thereā€™s anything we can help with.


You havenā€™t time for Covid.


What good are the restrictions doing?
How about taking some o the millions being pumped into testing companiesā€¦for absolutely no sensible reason, and spend it on antibody testing? Let anyone with antibodies go about their business. Luke, tony, ian fergusson etc would choke on their cornflakes of courseā€¦


Thatā€™s a good idea in fairness. Iā€™m just talking about at this moment in time what should we do about restrictions etc? Completely open things up, close down tighter what?

Protect care homes, open the schools, vulnerable adults can shelter. Ger a fucking immunologist to advise the government on the immune system, on air circulation in schools and publicplacesā€¦issue free vitamin d etc.
Get rid of pcr testing, no one takes it seriously except for a few cynical scientists and gullible citizens.


And if any healthy lazy worthless public servant objects dock their pay