Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

So basically no restrictions at all on normal life for the vast majority of people. It would be a fairly risky strategy if the virus did turn out to be dangerous. I don’t think there would be any support for that at the moment outside a handful of people even on tfk.

Another celebrity doctor getting cranky.

Civil servants haven’t a clue on how to ramp up a start up when demand outstrips supply.

Probably a good idea to restrict some gatherings.

The numbers this winter are in line with what would be expected in a bad flu year. If we lock down for this what do we do next year. If we cant risk losing one person then what is the argument against wearing masks every winter, or summer for that matter. Immortality isn’t an option unfortunately, people need to accept that


You can apply all the analysis you want…

Civil servants don’t get rewarded for excellence and they don’t get penalised for incompetence.

That’s the system. Its not designed to scale up either and if you want to subcontract the scaling up you’ve to ride the procurement red tape maze.


Restrictions aren’t working but I think whatever level Ireland was at (3?) is appropriate until vaccination of the vulnerable is complete. I agree with @glenshane largely on a focus on health and protecting care homes and hospitals, and limiting interactions for vulnerable people, deliveries of groceries to homes etc.

He’s the most cork person ever.


Ride the contractor so they can only make money riding the bottom level labour. Give me €200k and open access to all government resources and ill set up a system to have the country vaccinated by oaddys day (depending on the vaccine supply itself). I can it set up in a week.

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No hes too stable to be the most cork person ever. Only people that can make the weirdo sicko tread apply for that title. Anthony has never shit on a bridge in cork let alone attempt to do it on all of them. (I heard someone describe this as the most cark thing ever)

Prince2 or PMP?

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This Anthony O’Connor chap is a real painful know-it-all smug Cork prick.


Again, another fella who’s just said exactly what most lads on here have been saying :joy:

I did pmp too much bs and keeping people happy with stakeholder management (hence unlimited access to all government resources in the interest of public health. Good one eh?) Approach with a lean based plan. The only point of work that matters is the vaccination itself and plan the system around maximising the output of vaccinations. How to make this process quicker and remove all barriers at the point of value add. All tasks bar the doc sticking the needle should be resourced so the doctor does this as often as possible. Scale up by training multiple teams to facilitate this in a short period of time. Make all tasks involved so easy a monkey can do it or automate (online booking and consent. Another “issue” , tick box to agree to terms and conditions).


Waiver Quality you say?

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I wonder how the rates are working out for CPL hiring in the contract tracers and selling their time to the HSE.

I’d say it’s a tidy little arrangement.

If you apply sign a form and go to a vaccine centre and allow them to stick a needle in you you shouldn’t have a right to sue as you didn’t know the risks. If you dont want the vax or are worried about it would you be arsed?

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HSE live is above minimum wage but below “living wage” i imagine its about the same

I’d say CPL are making 100% on it.

Pure speculation on my part.

Crowds like CPL make a killing. I was working in a place where they supplied labour. They were making €8/hr per employee contracted in plus a standing monthly fee.