Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

IIRC there was an outcry over CPL advertising contract positions with worker protections akin to zero hours contracts so Mehole panicked and made provision to hire up to 1000 staff on permanent HSE contracts who’ll be paid and pensioned until the day they die

They lost the gig or at least the exclusivity on it after the fuck up in the autumn.

From the rates I’ve been told they aren’t exceptional for contract recruitment. Maybe closer to 15% i think.

Some fucker is after dragging cells down now and overwriting the sum function

That never happened anyway all the contract tracing and hse live afaik are wither pulled from other departments or on 9-12 month contracts. Some of those contracts are full time 39 hour a week jobs and the rest are part time zero hour. Also they have taken on no one in cork after MM made that claim.

There has to be a sweet spot for contract tracing. They sat on their holes when numbers were low enough to effectively trace and now numbers are too high so they’ve thrown their hat at it

Doesn’t suit my narrative so dismissing your post.


Tbh they should toss the system in the bin and have online booking for tests. Demand will be through the roof. Track and trace has failed twice but we have light at the end of the tunnel. All these people should be trained to help with the vaccination program. All resources should be focused on that now. Sooner its done sooner we are out this and the track and trace system can viewed like the electronic voting machines.


How are we managing to avoid a major spike in deaths?
We are looking at 1000s of cases each day now with a handful of deaths. In reality the true case figure could be a multiple of reported cases. Is the virus even less deadly than initially feared? Is the PCR test overly sensitive?

If we reported deaths solely from covid you’d be looking at a tiny figure… this ‘with’ covid strategy is bizarre.


Its an awful thing to say but I think this is the key to the whole thing now. We were told all along if cases got too high it would overwhelm hospitals and thousands would die. Well now it looks like we have the high case rate. If the deaths start going up in line with cases it’s going to be lockdown all the way to the end and everyone will support it. If they don’t though serious questions will start being asked finally and the mood could change.

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There is. It’s when there are a handful of cases. 10% of northern italy had some contact with this by October 2018. Similar story for other countries. You’ll do well to find any of this on google now though, it’s all been downrated or whatever it is they do. Same as the uk university study warning of 550k lockdown related deaths.
But conspiracy theory something…


For the most part vulnerable are still self isolating.

Deaths dont seem to follow the overall case number but more so the hospital numbers. If hospital numbers only rise as a fraction of cases we should be okay. I know they are seeing an increase now but unfortunately they don’t give the data if people are hospitalised because of covid or picked it up when in hospital. But a third of Decembers deaths were in hospital settings

Yeah I agree. I know there is a lag and that most vulnerable are better protected since April or at least they should be. Even with the case numbers like a runaway train it will become harder and harder to convince people to tow the line. Something is just not adding up for me on that front. Its not as if the health system is teetering on the brink either.

The disease has been around longer than Wuhan in December. Whether it started there or not is another discussion. I believe sewage samples from Italy and France picked it up around September

Hospitalisations usually follow cases and they have risen a lot. Hard to tell if part of that is Christmas related (HSE sending people home for a Christmas dinner) but it’s happening.

We are going to see a lot of deaths in the next few weeks, it’s inevitable.

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And south America. It’s being dismissed as a conspiracy theory at this point but some scientists are beginning to question whether or not it’s a new virus

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So it should be called Covid-18?

Your posting on this has been exemplary and the lockdown fanatics and fundamentalists haven’t been able to respond to you with any clarity. I wonder when we’ll see the 2020 excess mortality stats. I supppose they’re really more pertinent over a longer timeframe but they should still paint a picture. Do they release the age and health profile details of the daily ‘covid’ deaths?


Not necessarily, not that I’ve a clue but mapping viruses is in its infancy, and there are millions of them lurking around everywhere