Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

There is a lot of information out there but based on evidence the accept story should change. Its dangerous to label new ideas as conspiracy theories because it boxes in only one narrative and dismisses all evidence no matter how clear the arguement is.

Not to use my above logic to give certain theories rime of day, like the vaccine is turning people into crocodiles which is spreading in Brazil or it is bill Gates implanting a microchip in you. Common sense tells you thatā€™s batshit crazy

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There may well be excess deaths. 2019 was a slack year for the grim reaper flu-wise, only natural that he takes up the slack the following year, unfortunately. Slack overall, Iā€™m not talking about last April when there was a serious spike.

But those eejits are used as useful idiots to silence anyone who points out obvious truthsā€¦like the death rate amongst u65s wont be impacted by a vaccine that they will all be pressured to take, or that the vaccine companies have copper fastened disclaimers against liability

The thing is whether this virus is new or not, there are millions of them that could jump from animals to humans. This is our fault for creating conditions to allow this mutation to happen and jump to humans from wild animals. The wet market in wuhan is a prime example of where it can happen (highly possible but may not have come from here either). Factory farming on the scale in the states and many countryā€™s may also be a source of new disease. The Spanish flu came from a chicken farm in nerbraska or some Middle American state. We farm a lot differently here so we donā€™t have a high density population of animals together all the time and in consent contact with humans.


Yes either the market or the coronavirus research institute over the road from it


Iā€™ve had arguments with people who resort to that logic or ā€œlisten to the expertsā€. I got a nice dig on one of these people last week harping on about the brits approving the vaccine first ahead of the EU etc. I shot them down immediately with the truth declaring myself an expert (on paper I am on this subject.). It was satisfying.

But questions are needed to these experts. They need to be scrutinised to ensure they are correct. Iā€™m sure most of them are basing designs on best practise, experience and data. But bringing a complete bullshitter myself and being good at it, I can smell bs a mile away and wonā€™t let it go until I get satisfactory answers to correlate what was claimed.

I reckon it came from @KinvarasPassion mincing around with a dead fox

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Thats a conspiracy we cannot mention the bio weapons lab down the road. Leave it to the experts. It was definitely the wet market in November 2019

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You could start with their financial interests. People happilysit in a GPs waiting room while the drug rep incentivised their doctor, so itā€™s no surprise whenthey dont raise an eyebrow when a government pumps billions into private testing companies. Conspiracy etc

Sure itā€™s only a coincidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology compound where they study bat coronaviruses is only a stoneā€™s throw from what appears to be ground zero for Covid-19. :thinking:

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Thereā€™s a bat or a rat a stoneā€™s throw from every lab everywhere

Its ireland backhanders and no bid contracts were awarded. The great Ewan Mckeena got stuck into some blueshirt Dublin TD about a family member of hers getting one while Leo was taoiseach and Simon health minister before PFG was agreed

Iā€™m sure everybody is sick of it. But just take a read though this and ask if youā€™re being told the truth. Can you imagine a scientist of this degree of integrity courting the spotlight like luke, and his guitarā€¦



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My favourite line.

No body wants to be right wing but everyone is a faux left winger (supporting traditional left wing policyā€™s like lgbt rights which are mainstream now anyway) calling for lockdowns and more state control

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Excellent piece

Apparently gastro issues is a new symptom showing up with this new strain, and by gastro I mean violent dose of the shits lasting for days

Big rush on bog roll. Justified this time

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Backlog will keep going up

Ah lads