Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Had a listen to this yesterday, very interesting analysis of different peoples views on covid in ireland and what groups are driving the goverments decisions.

2,500 I think

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To quote Stefanie Preisner - ah lads we haven’t a hope.

Has anyone suggested they right click and insert row?


Ah right then. The 2000 ceiling on data input is convenient enough.

Are they using a Commodore 64 to report the cases?


Anyone who voted FFG should be taxed at 80% for the complete and utter shambles successive governments made of the health service in the free state so the next govt can fix it.


Confusing incompetence with evil genius is some leap.

Read this thread mate.

FFG are murderers.



Then you have two former ministers of health being the last two leaders of the Free State.

You literally couldn’t make this up. It’s like handing the keys to the car to the drunkest man in the pub.


They used all IT resources in 2020 on developing the tracking app, which most people deleted shortly after launch.

I’m very encouraged that they’ll nail the vaccine roll out.

Could they not open a second spreadsheet?

An abacus

Norma Foley’s IT experts needed here. Ashutosh on standby

Do we have any cells left to capture the vaccine roll out numbers or is it 2k for both sets combined? No wonder we haven’t hit 4 figures yet.

Has any research been done on asymptomatic people being infectious. The challenge for this all long has been people with no symptoms and never having symptoms being reported as cases. It would be interesting to see the case numbers each day broken down by symptoms and no symptoms

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Some people always have symptoms

They can’t report all the people that are positive and you wan’t granular breakdowns of symptomatic vs asymptomatic :laughing:

1 Like,silent%20driver’%20of%20the%20pandemic.

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So they don’t really know seems to be the answer.