Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

That’s always been the case and with mutations even more so.


Science hasn’t a fucking clue.

I’ve read it a fair few times now that 50% of cases can be asymptomatic but they are only responsible for 5% or under of infections. Makes sense in a way as you are surely likely to shed more virus if you are coughing and spluttering rather than feeling fine.

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She says funding is an issue. I doubt that’s the case. Waste and mismanagement more likely.

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Funding shouldn’t be. But its the HSE Black hole. Management and waste as you said are part and parcel of money wasting

I heard BOI is similar in terms of disconnected IT systems.

ROS strikes me as a shambles too.

The MyGov thing was a green field site and seems to be decent.

Cases are meaningless.


I use the ROS through my gov to do tax returns every year its fierce handy. I must throw my stuff in over next few weeks for 2020. Was able to change my tax credits for changing jobs and pension schemes in 5 mins. Its proof of what can be achieved as a public service

Contract tracing should be scrapped. The appointment booking for tests should be requested by the patient rather contract tracing or gp. All resources for contact tracing should be diverted to vaccine rolllout

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Everyone should start self isolating and forget about going for tests creating fear. The problem will be sorted in 4 weeks if people self isolate.


FFS, the most serious rule they’ve broken there is NO FUCKIN DRINKS ON THE TABLE


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Still unclear the impact of presymptomatic people.

I reckon a lot of it is though that the symptoms are so wide on this that people aren’t aware they are carriers. Aches and pains can be a symptom of Covid, particularly at the start. People are hung up on the main three symptoms.

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Adrian Cummings on the radio now, stone useless

Thats a level headed approach unfortunately as we have seen there is large portion of the population are morons enough react to everything like the end of the world and the sun revolves around them. Give them the test to calm them and tell them contact their own contacts if positive. If they followed the guidance contacts should be relatively low.

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If the pubs were open would people have seen their families?

Come back 2020 all is forgiven. :sweat_smile:
Shits about to get real here