Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Weā€™ve been hitting that for three months but you wouldnā€™t hear me blowing about it. Only 6700 cases today though.

Iā€™m going to visit and plunge a rusty screwdriver into the skull of the next person that shames his country, his parish, his children and himself by parroting a useless tory wankstain like matt Hancock in talking about the new variant. Wise the fuck up jellyfish, this stops now.

Have ye turned the corner? I thought we had with the vaccine but turns out it was a chicane

What was the death in Poland for 2020 v 2019?

Iā€™d love to know that. We have had outbreaks in hospital too, meaning a lot of the people were already there and then got it.

Iā€™d say most people donā€™t bother going for a test now. I know a few people had C-19 and didnā€™t bother. Just stayed at home. Interesting that in Ireland now everyone knows someone that has it. It was like that in mid November here.

No idea.

We are about one episide of Claire Byrne Live away from all out panic here. TLLSs return next week could flip us over the edge

No real panic over here about it.

Personal responsibility

Been saying since the beginning that I donā€™t believe the numbers here.

Not so sure about the personal responsibility overall. We went to the church last weekend. Stayed outside just listening to the loudspeaker. The maximum number of people allowed into the church was 40. I counted 120 people coming out!

Priest probably did a loaves and fishes demo with the people.

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NPHET gave the government bad data / analysis when they were making their decisions on opening up


Their models were about 10% of what happened

Buck stops with Dr Tony and NPHET. He should resign over these numbers.


Minister Harris has his constituency well heeled :clap: :clap:

Philip Nolan must be the worst data modeler ever. He predicts catastrophic figures and we get a fraction of them. He predicts manageable figures and cases explode.


Holohan has to go.

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They have to go. All of them