Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Who goes in there?

They lost the people with their whingey self righteous tone.

Michael O’Leary

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No one. Time for NPHET to fuck off… They’ve failed us.

Speaking of which…

I don’t do Twitter but I presume he got absolutely panned for that? :rofl:

Nope. People broadly in agreement

What a cunt. The funny thing is anyone going to a pub or visiting relatives was following the rules clearly laid out by the government :roll_eyes:

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Fuck off Shane you self righteous cunt. Maybe your family didn’t want to see you.


Sorry that was a bit harsh. Apologies Shane.

But I don’t really like this blame game.

Did he specifically blame anyone? More of a big up to people who followed NPHET rather than the government ( i followed the guidelines laid out by the government myself )

The truth is out there

It’ll end up like the bloods and the crips except with badges and bad manners instead of colours and busting caps in asses

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We have ourselves to blame

Northern Ireland and the border countries must be close to herd immunity at this stage.

I’m old enough to remember when the 700s seemed like a big deal

Just heard of an acquaintance who is in ICU with covid, 50 odd.

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Limerick figures off the charts as well. I’ve been told of at least 15 people locally who have tested positive in recent days. Mostly all young and no real serious issues so far, touch wood.

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