Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Hopefully, hospitalisations arenā€™t encouraging though.

It would be helpful if they gave us an idea of the age profile of the hospital admissions too.

How many more before the scales are tipped?

Apparently a wedding in South Tipperary pre Christmas attended by 25 people has returned 25 positive Tests.

Wtf like?

All the one family


:grinning: :smile:


@Fagan_ODowdā€¦ Did you develop any symptoms?

Unreal. I said this the Monday after the all Ireland and there was fellas calling me all sorts. I saw more Snapchat and pictures of fellas I know in pubs and house parties watching itā€¦ Was completely obvious it was going to be a factor.

The crossover between a pub in NCW and Rathkale who share staff etc seems to have been a major factor


A bridesmaid who returned from Scotland infected them all apparently.

Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll be overlaying the data now vs March/April but hard to know with the HSEā€™s reporting.

I said it myself afterwards. I went to the local the Sunday and Monday nights. Had a great night the Sunday obviously, but everyone was a bit more on edge on the Monday night. The lads Iā€™d drink with would be wary enough of the whole thing, and we didnā€™t go back to the pub again before Christmas.

Lads drinking all day in Adare on the Monday & Tuesday, and fellas coming from all over the county to join in.

Well. From the testing companyā€™s point of view this isnā€™t necessarily a bad thing. 150 per test, each positive result might have 10 contacts, 150 becomes 1500 etc.
25 positive results? So that means one symptomatic person attended the wedding and got into close contact with all the other guests? Maybe it was an orgy, not a wedding.
If it was me Iā€™d follow the money.

Do the doctors get paid per case?

Itā€™s amazing the rise in the amount of people I know/know of that have it. Seems to be the same for everyone.

No way? You called it that lads would be socialising after an All Ireland Final win? Have you considered going on tour with these sort of foretelling skills?

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150 per testā€¦up here anyway. The video from the randox lab in antrim ā€¦bags of leaking bottles, cross contamination, contacts traced and tested. A licence to print moneyā€¦for a test that is worthless while there are cheaper more reliable tests available.
Iā€™d say theyā€™re so deep in this fraud that theyā€™ve no option but to keep going

I know someone that has it cc @gilgamboa

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Thats actually mental. We will be stuck in this loop for years to come

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Until we wise up, drag a few politicians out of their cars etc