Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

What type of fucking bog warrior calls it a belt?

Donā€™t let a rumour you read on Whatapp destroy a total bs story though.
The people are panicked and will believe anything and everything at this point sadly if it affirms any pre held bias

Im looking at snapchats of day 2 of a wedding in nenagh today (which I was invited to go to but the missus balked) and I can completely understand how all 25 might turn up positive.

The venue has a lot to answer for, but then the plebs posting videos on social media.

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Fairly sure that wouldnt stop them getting it

Fat lot of good it did her

Very few cases were traced back to pubs

Dr Tony will be thrilled

Are you trying to manufacture a bit of aggro between us?

Ask yourself. Really think. Am I the type of cunt you want drawn on you.

I wonā€™t have table jokes or the likes. Iā€™ll make your fucking e-life a misery

It was an open goal. What was I to do?

Based on your postings here. Miss spectacularly

Iā€™m an elite poster baby, or admiredā€¦Iā€™ll check if you want?


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I know

Thank fuck Dublin wiped the floor with Mayo when you see how other western All Ireland winning counties behaved.


Congrats palā€¦ A noble club to be in.

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ah leave it out will ya

Thanks bud. Itā€™s up there with winning an Ulster club senior medal when I was but a 15 year old youth, and playing in the AI semifinal. But enough about me.

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Some wagons being circled here

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I stand with the Lakota. Fuck your wagons.

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:clap: Good man :facepunch: