Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Why are you replying to me like we’re buddies or have something in common?

Esteban is his own man and I respect him.

Now piss off, I’ve no interest in having you latch on to me like a lost dog

Cunts of a feather flock together.

Covid is ripping the forum apart

Fellas don’t know where to turn

Holohan has to go

Where is McConkey in all of this?


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He got his slap up feed in Clontarf yacht club just before Christmas. That’s him set for the next 6 months.

I believe it was picked up in Paris too


@carryharry there is a lot of solid evidence that covid 19 was in Europe long before the official emergence in Wuhan. It does throw the theory as to the origin of the virus in doubt. The most probable place for the chain of mutations in nature (bat to pangolin to human) would be from a wet market in East Asia. This is avoiding all other more far fetched conspiracy theories like bio weapons etc.

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That’s that cleared up

I hope we stay locked down for 6 months. I quite enjoy it I must say … we just need to shut the off-licences this time.

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Where the fuck does that leave us? :man_technologist:

It definitely came from there. Its too coincidental.
Oh we have 3 other bat viruses alright, but not that one.


I saw the start of some documentary listing a hape of coronaviruses that had been patented by an american company over the last 10 years…faucci was involved. They were being studied but this got controversial so the yanks shipped the work ojt to china…it didnt look like a typical youtube effort, but c19 fatigue set in so i left it.
We’ll never know, unless alex jones returns to the stage

A few lads down the pub were saying it

Some spreadsheet junkie has gone nuts this morning, fucking charts everywhere. These lads need to cash in on this fame quick like the likes of McDonkey has done.