Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Its getting to the stage now where I can see them shutting the whole place down until a certain percentage of the population are vaccinated.

Bump. 3 hours without a post.

Everybody is up the mountains or at the beach or in Inistioge.

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Or getting ready to return to work tomorrow

Trying to drain the last of the whiskey or the claret out of their system.

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Must be fizzling out

How has the “Irish” model worked out?

Two savage lockdowns and now…?


A child’s answer…

Go away, you clown. Find a circus.

Sweden is 2020, Japan is 2021.

Typing away there for a while and you come up with that dribble.

If Peter Geoghegan can point to where he predicted a vaccine before the end of the year and advocated an endless lockdown then he can talk.

Otherwise he is simply another oddball getting hung up on a decision made in March.

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You are a fool. Thank the gods you have no power.

You are also an egomaniac who cannot admit he was wrong – the worst kind of fool.

I will leave it at this (repeated) thought: who would take responsibility for the additional people in Ireland that would have become seriously ill or died if the ‘Swedish model’ had been applied?

You could say this much for the pandemic: it has flushed out a lot of fools.

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Has the travel ban with the UK been lifted?


The English media still peddling this utter deflection shite. The UK went into lockdown in March and has been in and out of lockdown since then. Their approach has worked so well compared to Sweden that their current 7 day case numbers are ~50k per day and deaths north of 500 per day, and both are increasing daily. But Sweden.

I know math/maths isn’t your strong suit, but Sweden’s current 7 day case numbers are ~5k per day and deaths ~25 per day, and both are declining. The respective populations are 68M and 10M.

Try and work out which country has the greater problem, the one with the on and off lockdowns since March or the one without. Have a few glasses of Blue Spot, it might stimulate your remaining brain cells.


More empty words, the story of your life.

Why are you consistently playing Sweden off against much larger nations with much higher population density rates? Seriously

Some ambitious Grade VIII Admin watched a YouTube tutorial on PowerBI over Xmas and managed to link it to excel.

It hasn’t occured to hm yet that he could actually bipass excel and link his fancy dashboards directly to the SQL server backend but he’d be making about 20 roles redundant in the process, so… best keep the head down as he’s a union rep too and let’s not rock that boat.


Look, you are another fool, warped by political ideology. Your logic runs: ‘Since everybody did not do everything perfectly, anything goes.’ A child’s charter… You want to see hospitals overwhelmed, out of sheer stupidity and bad nature.

The only use for obduracy in the West of Ireland is a drystone wall. Your kind is redundant and so I will put you on ‘ignore’. You have nothing to contribute except the same tired kango figures.