Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Sure put me on ignore then, and deprive yourself of any education possibilities you have on this subject.

Keep believing the English media, like all your royalist countymen.

Know of another 10 people with it today.

Compare Sweden to countries of similar population and population density then. The information is easily accessed on the Johns Hopkins site.

You’re only allowed compare Sweden to countries with lower case/death numbers mate. That’s how it works here


Every countrys different approaches have failed nonmatter who you look at. No point in flinging shit at each other now. All focus should be on rolling out the vaccines and at least one way or another some countrys will be successful. Hopefully ireland will be one of them


Cop on, you consistently do it to sidestep your glorification of their COVID stance earlier this year.

Personally I don’t care what Sweden did or didn’t do.

“the English media”

You are showing us, you are showing us. A child… Then again, hard right wingers are childish by nature.

Not all bad when you have the fools flushed out.


For anyone possessing a functioning brain (I know, a tough ask), the evidence is that countries that had the longest western style “lockdowns” earlier in 2020 are now suffering worst in terms of Covid being out of control. We can only hope that someday these morons can figure out why.

Then stfu and leave the discussion to adults.

Beaten docket response…

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Some countries had long lockdowns and fared much worse than Sweden. If lockdowns worked, that shouldn’t be the case. A lockdown may limit cases a bit, like 1000s of other factors, but the fact that you need one (especially given how much damage they do) is nonsense.


The Flat Earth Society has adopted a new motto: ‘Done with Covid’.

Application for membership to Sheridan Enny et al.

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If you are Anti Lockdown I assume you are Pro Herd Immunity?

You assume wrong

So how do you keep everything open? You must want it to run through the Community?

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Any of ye watch that earth after people doc on the discovery channel over the yule ?

You do realize the lad dancing to your cracked tune is a Tippo? or do you?


The initial lockdown was to flatten the curve.

Problem was what to do then. Zero Covid was never possible due to a requirement to ban international travel and the issue with the border. So cases remained and we opened back up somewhat. A highly infectious disease and the numbers built up again, requiring more restrictions including lockdowns and that continues in a cycle which is where we are now,

I don’t see any other way where this can be managed ‘better’. We are not in control - the virus is. Us mere mortal humans need to get used to that fact.