Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

That is known fake news - there was no scandal.
RCOG review found programme fine.
*Sorry thatā€™s to an old comment on Tony H on cervicalcheck. Basically our screening fine, people didnā€™t understand it has limitations. No other country gives out those ā‚¬ awards.

Thank Covid no flu or hospitals would be fecked.

No I dont. There is a world of difference between sensible restrictions/recommendations (like they have in Sweden) and locking people into their homes, putting hundreds of thousands out of work. I think the response here is disproportionate to the risk. Our hospitals are no fuller than they ever are. No more people are dying than they normally do.

I also think people are underestimating hugely the amount of damage to society lockdowns are doing. Itā€™s just an opinion, and time may well prove me wrong on that


Keep going, keep going. Let it all out.

Some of my closest friends are Tipperary natives. Not all natives are Tippos. Just an unfortunate minority.

Thinking of it, there is not much to choose between a Kango and a Tippo.

Keep going, keep going.

Done with Covid! Done with Covid!

Thanks for a reasoned response.

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Weā€™re mates, mate.

As unlikely as a transfer to Cashelā€¦! But there you have it.


So this is the most misunderstood aspect of the past year and why we are in the state we are in. The only solution for humans against a pathogen like SARS-2 is to build immunity, whether through natural immunity or via a vaccine (itā€™s the same immunity). The evidence from early on is that most people develop immunity and some already have natural immunity, for the entire population itā€™s at least 99% in that category, for children and relatively healthy adults up to age 65 itā€™s at least 99.9%.

So armed with that knowledge, do you really believe that trying to isolate 100% of the population from this virus for a year is the best approach or even practical or possible? It isnā€™t, and you are seeing the evidence for that now, at the worst possible time.


@Appendage Look what you did

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I simply cannot follow your logic. Those restrictions were not ā€œsensibleā€ because Sweden neither gained an economic boost nor kept its health metric as low as the best points of comparison, neighbouring Scandinavian countries.

Lockdowns are terrible, a last resort. But the alternative is far worse. How you refuse to see this truth is beyond me.

Itā€™s incredible that someone who made such a pronouncement still thinks they have the first iota about this virus. ā€˜But but but they didnā€™t do as shit as the worst performing countriesā€™ as if this is some kind of achievementā€¦

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But Sweden is the alternative and thereā€™s many, many countries doing worse

Swedenā€™s economy is doing much better than western Europe and they have not had to resort to massive borrowing, a bill that will come due down the road. Their economy (GDP) has shrunk (8%) in the most recent numbers reported, compared to (12%) for the rest of the EU and (20%) for the UK. We can add economics to the list of topics you are clueless on.

Comparisons with Swedenā€™s Scandinavian neighbors are the last port of call for the brain dead. If geographic proximity is important to the virus, compare France and Germany, or Belgium and the Netherlands.


Does anyone else find it suspicious that there is a virology lab in Wuhan that was studying Corona viruses?

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Not to be facetious, but are any of them Iā€™ll?

Not just that. The SARS-2 virus genome is 96% identical to coronaviruses extracted from bats in Yunnan. Yunnan is over 1,000 miles from Wuhan. Do bats normally migrate over 1,000 miles? Maybe one of our batshit crazy contributors can answer.

@Malarkey should stick to waxing lyrical about the bog stick fighting, heā€™s getting an awful hiding here


But that argument is a nonsense argument, as I broached above.

Putting the matter at its bluntest, Sweden got no economic bang for the health metric buck. That reality is there, however shite other countries did. You are also forgetting the causal relay. As that Guardian piece details, part of the bother Britain is is now lies with foolish people urging rhe ā€˜Swedish modelā€™ to Boris Johnson et al. Can you not see the causal relay?

More importantly, are seriously saying to me that you want to go back, tomorrow, to sitting beside people on a bus or a train, maskless, to standing beside people at a crowded gig or on a GAA terrace, maskless? Because this scenario is where your logic leads. Is this scenario the one you want? Because I am stunned if it is.

One of the most partitionist viruses weā€™ve ever seen

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Stick to being an engineer in Clare. You are the flute of flutes on here, which takes some doing.

Youā€™re riddled , you bollox