Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Done with Covid! Done with Covid!

Light the torches!


Kango hammers was more accurate then I knew…

The whole phenomenon is extraordinary. These lads appear to believe ‘herd immunity’ is achievable through buying people some tissues. The whole thing is so detached from reality as to leave me wondering what other nonsense lies beneath.

It’s not nonsense. If Sweden was a massive outlier, with a huge amount more cases and deaths, it would be. They’d fared ok, better than some, worse than some, and they’ve managed it without a lockdown.

And yes, bluntly I would sit beside someone on a bus


Most have some degree of flu like symptoms, only 2 of them no symptoms , and one is in hospital


There is a lot to the virus that points to being developed in a lab. The biggest indicator is how UV light is so effective in killing it. This is bug factor in how it has being more rampant in winter. The wide variety of symptoms for a novel disease is another. The fact it “emerged” in a city with a virus lab studying similar viruses has to be massive red flag.

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Ivermectin lads. That is all

Right… Fair enough. You would travel, maskless, on non socially distanced public transport? Is that choice based on lack of worry about getting the virus? You feel the virus, if contracted, is unlikely to harm your health?

Last time: Sweden not doing worst does not logically mean Sweden did “okay”.


I thought they had lockdowns?

No but it doesn’t mean lockdowns are essential. Otherwise Sweden would have been a huge outlier. And I’ll let that be the last time too.

Sweden? Not to my knowledge

Okay. We will leave it there on Sweden.

I am more curious about how blithe you are about getting the virus. Why is that?

I think the most likely is they were studying what changes to the genome would do in terms of impact on the potency of the virus, someone got infected and walked out of the lab with it. It’s happened on at least two other occasions in China with the original SARS (that we know of). The NIH (under Dr Fauci) were funding this research up to early 2020.


Explain what is happening here

You have me on ignore, remember.

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4962 new cases

7 deaths

Familiar restrictions, but not “lockdown”.

The Swedish government, which has thus far left most schools, businesses and restaurants open during the pandemic, announced the closure of non-essential public workplaces, such as gyms, pools and libraries.

Prime Minister Lofven also said the wearing of face masks would now be recommended on public transport during peak hours.

“Now we see that we need to do more because we see that the spread of the infection is too serious and we have a strained situation in the healthcare system still,” Lofven said.

The government asked citizens to limit gatherings to eight people but there are no penalties for breaking the rules.

Lofven stopped short of imposing a “very serious lockdown” as it “wouldn’t have an effect in the long run because people would not put up with that.”

No, they are passing legislation to allow them impose more strict measures, if needed.

By God
