Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

A huge proportion of the population would not adhere to those. It’s not last March when we all thought this was the plague.

the exercise thing should be done away with, 24 hour curfew is needed for a month, Holohan has lost control of it, why isn’t that question being asked?

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The gaa inter county season is gone surely?

I’d tend to agree with that

Absolute bollox more like. There hasn’t been anywhere open to that extent. Everywhere is following the rules, you’ll very rarely see anyone in shops without a mask. The reason is obvious, it’s down to the testing regime, or fraud. The london map is even more ridiculous.

Sure, that approach is a fair way towards a lockdown… If you would have no indoor gatherings, there would be no nightclubs.

The core problem is the inevitability of people who are happy to get the virus passing it to people who are not happy to get the virus. Since the state has a duty of care to all of its citizens, measures to prevent this scenario, while unfortunate and torturously difficult, seem to me just.

Well I’ll disagree with you there and leave it at that

The worry index is rising. The risk is not necessarily Covid but needing access to a hospital for something else.

The problem NPHET have is they catastrophised every day for last six months, even when we had under a 100 cases a day, so like the boy who cried wolf…


All I can say is that the man in question would have zero reason to lie to me. He is English, in fact.

No doubt testing regimes are an issue. But this front is a separate issue from whether use of lockdown is necessary and/or just. There we disagree.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy, can you think of a plaza in Tyrone with a coffee shop which would hold 60 people without social distancing?
The only ‘plaza’ I can think of is the linen green at moygashel. I suppose it could hold 60 in the unlikely event that it was packed?

I know you didn’t mean that the way it sounded!

Of course the worry index is rising. It is relentless fear porn RTE have been peddling for 10 months now so a certain proportion of the population are terrified of the “case” numbers currently being reported but a lot of other people will not comply with the current restrictions never mind any newer more restrictive ones.


I can’t really.

By God.

Don’t expect Harry to try and come back with a logic based argument.

How the fuck are you meant to drink a coffee with a mask on ?

Now go and sit in the corner

They usually put the instructions on the bottom of the cup

Can we set up tented villages for all those who have no significant risks in catching Covid?

It appears that’s your strategy. Unfortunately the Governments throughout the world can’t control where those who have no significant risk if they caught the virus spreading it to all & sundry.

I will never agree to any idea of asking people to essentially play a lottery to go about their basic daily business or worse still tell them they can’t leave their homes if they’re not willing to gamble.

Thats just my opinion.

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Leo’s personal opinion is worthless as regards Government decisions go.