Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Any evidence or even anecdotal evidence of kids passing to kids? Surely this is the key to schools reopening. Have kids gotten it or transmitted it to each other? If they canā€™t why is childrenā€™s sports training dancing etc not on?

The government have a small window of opportunity here. The public patience is wearing very thin and I reckon that with the right strategy, you could get public buy in for at least the first three months of the year.
Shut the fucking schools and keep all non essential shut. Start a rigorous but strategic roll out of the vaccine. Aim to have all the ā€œvunlnerableā€ and essentials vaccinated by the end of march and then , maybe then , you can start heading back toward normality

Good idea. Canā€™t believe no one thought of that before.

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Just fuck off will you. Parasite

Are you actually that dim, you are?


Thereā€™s no evidence for that.

The ā€œbang for your buckā€ argument comes from having to live with this virus for a long period of time.

Someone who points to 3 or even 6 months of GDP or short term unemployment is a dullard. How much did you borrow to maintain that GDP? In the case of their neighbours, they borrowed less. In the case of Ireland, we had a fiscal deficit more than anyone else in Europe to find our prolonged lockdowns.

What was always interesting about Sweden was that it was close to a control group on a lack of enforced restrictions. It was perfectly possible to disagree with their decision in March but take some learnings from it. The WHO themselves said this, is Peter Geoghegan including them in the group - or are we waiting until Biden gets into office when we can criticise them again?

But in your world, Guardianland, or on the flipside Telephraphland- it is all or nothing. There must be a winner and a loser. Such an intellectually limited approach might appeal to you, but hopefully our longer term policy makers arenā€™t.

If Peter Geoghegan can point to where he advocated never ending lockdowns, then he can talk. Otherwise he may as be like a Czech policy maker. Winning 1-0 in May time.

Or Ireland, two savage lockdowns, one with the promise of a ā€œmeaningful Christmasā€ at the end of it.



Same difference, you probably have an oul jug of nilzan lying around somewhere?

Has anyone mentioned that its all a cod?

Its a cod

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Are you not busy on some other thread trying to claim racism or some motive for a shooting. Off you go. Shur you may ad well as long as the rest of us are paying your inflated wages

Well, I will find out name of plaza. Obviously anyone drinking coffee is entitled to take off mask.

That there will be shysters making money out of this process is unfortunately human nature ā€“ as facilitated in particular by Johnson, Gove et al.

The substantive issue lies elsewhere.

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Killorglin primary school

Find out for me and Iā€™ll torch the place!

I do. I also have a few cartridges of clenbuterol left over from the good old days that could be useful

Should the All Ireland finals have been played? no matter what was said they would have lead to a large number of unauthorised social gatherings


The ball Mikeā€¦

Sure they didnā€™t even need to play the football

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