Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Itā€™s idiots who need to share their trip all over social media causing that Tweet from Coillte

Serious action will need to be taken.

Theyā€™ll need to open the case data as a CSV file in Notepad.


Iā€™ll have throw a few boulders at the front door of the house and park the tractor against the back door of the house to keep the ould fella inside.

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I dont know if I can do Dry January during Level 6

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That doesnā€™t make any sense. I earn quite a good wage. Iā€™m a public servant and much of the work I do is essential. If you stopped doing your job tomorrow would it make any difference to society I wonder?

He sells happiness. So he does.

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Like most roles, other people come in and fill the gap left behindā€¦ Noone is indispensable unfortunately.

Absolutely. The role is indispensable though.

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All jobs are essential if they put food on the table

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Iā€™m willing to work from my couch for as long as it takes lads. Thatā€™s how committed I am to making this work


I take it back then. We could all do some happiness right now. Although it sickens me that profiteers are going around trying to make a buck off it.

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All honest work is admirable,

Do you think youā€™ll be back next Monday,ā€?

Thatā€™s capitalism unfortunatelyā€¦ For those with short term vision, ethics donā€™t come into it.

@Malarkey Iā€™ve been reading your posts with interest. I could be wrong but I presume youā€™ve people in your circle that youā€™re trying to protect from this virus, itā€™s detectable from the tone of your posts. However, Iā€™ve people very dear to me that I need to protect, parents in their late 80s that I didnā€™t spend Christmas with for their protection (not mine). I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll have another chance to spend a Christmas with them but in terms of my own chances, Iā€™m going to take them. I canā€™t live like this, I canā€™t spend everyday locked into a certain range of distance, itā€™s taken too much of a toll already! Thereā€™s an onus of responsibility of every person in the state right now and Iā€™m tired of being in the minority of responsible ones, exhausted even. Iā€™ll take my chances and ensure the safety of those who are close and vulnerable but I wonā€™t continue to be dead in my own body


Lockdowns make the rich richer and the poor poorer. Big chains and online retailers making a killing.

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Itā€™s heart breaking.

So it is.

Parasites. The likes @iron_mike.

Are people giving out because other people went to the same forest as them?