Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Delicious. Coming from a glorified doley. You’re seething. :joy:

Lads have lost the plot

They have.

But what irks is that decisions are being made with a view on polls and trying to make political capital and save face.

Which really isn’t good enough.

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They’ve been enabled by lockdown rules. Small businesses cant compete (espically now that most of them cant even trade). The division this will cause in society has been vastly underestimated in my opinion. It this lasts much longer there will be a serious gulf between the haves (WFH, Civil Servants etc) and those who are faced with being on some form of government support for the forseeable future.


Take a chill pill kid. Maybe ring in sick tomorrow. You’ve probably one or two to carry over. Dont worry ,I’ll cover it as per usual.

I haven’t a clue, personally I hope so but there’s a lot of water to pass under that bridge

Yeah. For everyone that makes a concerted effort to avoid Amazon and to buy from independent retailers or makers or whatever, there’s probably 10 more that are getting everything from big international companies online.

If there’s one thing sickening my hole it’s people sitting on their arse whilst on full salary, pontificating and moralising about what’s best for everyone. Let them put half their wage into a common pot and redistribute it for as long as the lockdowns last, or use it to increase hospital capacity.


Enjoy the week off, mate.

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I’d say there’s a strong possibility that the schools will be shut until the end of January

Looking at 6 months at least minimum here, mate

Its a very underrated tragedy in all this.

At least universal basic income is on the way. :expressionless:

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CUH down 100 nurses due to Covid related issues.

Ward in hospital closed.

And how many vaccines sitting in a fridge?

Serious decisions need to be made.

A roll out of a vaccine won’t happen with case numbers this high.

Damage done before a vaccine was in the Country.

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Why weren’t hospital staff administered with it as soon as it came off the plane?

Why weren’t they ready to rock by the 26th?

Because they are incompetent fuckwits.


It’s a criminal enterprise is what it it is. The internet is awash with scientists, statisticians and doctors providing cold hard evidence as to why this is futile, unnecessary and dangerous. Meanwhile the politicians and a few handpicked stooge scientists strut around, bowing to pressure of Karen and breda without providing a jot of justification for their actions.
I can understand why people are scared but they need to look for themselves.


We need to hold off on the vaccine until the spring makes it look like the vaccine is working

Vaccinate the vaccinators?