Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

You know it allā€¦

Is the cure worse than the disease?

A deadly disease and a cure exists and they wonā€™t roll out the cure.

If it was not so serious you could only laugh.


Go sit in the corner, shortpants.

You are unable to debate with the big boys.

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Well, fair play to you. That post is probably the best one on this thread. The most honest, certainly.

I quite understand what you say. Personally, I did not find the first hard, even though it affected work a lot, because I am a reader and happy in my own company, needs be. But this lockdown, as before Christmas, is shaping up as tough, really tough, even though I am lucky enough to have a large circle of family and friends with whom I am in constant contact and live in a nice place near family and friends. I am grand. But I find the idea of still being in some sort of restrictions this time next year puts me on edge. I am no fan of lockdowns. Quite the opposite.

But I do not think, same time, the proposed alternative ā€“ opening up nearly all the way ā€“ is plausible in practical or ethical terms this side of a working vaccine. Whatever my frustrations, I have no right to accept risk on someone elseā€™s behalf. Which is what ā€˜opening upā€™ essentially involves. There are no means of opening up in any meaningful way that would not involve people happy to get the virus passing it to people not happy to get the virus. And the latter group, if they decided to stay at home, would effectively be in lockdown (and into the bargain would likely incur severe work-related penalties). The simplifying tendency of some peopleā€™s exhortations in this area boggles me.

My parents are not quite as old as yours but getting there. And they are, naturally, by far my biggest concern ā€“ ahead of myself, in truth. They have very young grandchildren and have a lot to which they can look forward as yet, god willing.

I wish you and your parents the very best. All you can do is stay standing. But I agree seeing people heedless in this area is especially frustrating when you are trying to do everything ā€˜rightā€™. We are going through an awful time. At one level, that bald statement is all that can be said. I do not have the answer, except to believe every citizen is entitled to the same duty of care and that this topic is far more complex than shielding the elderly and the vulnerable.


The median age for Covid deaths is greater than life expectancy in Ireland and those poor misfortunes were more than likely in a nursing home and or have three serious underlying conditions,

The dying with covid rather than of covid is a fact that an awful lot of people canā€™t get their heads around at all. In fairness our national media have been atrocious on this point among a lot of others.

I totally get this is a terrible virus,but the deaths to date in comparison to other years do not suggest these draconian restrictions ,schools being closed, Leaving cert exams cancelled, cancer screening cancellations, likes of @mixer walsh not spending Christmas with his elderly parents presuming he wasnt breaking restrictions beforehand are totally over the top and wrong.

On top of this, weā€™re vaccinating at a snails pace , why is that, Limerick today has 652 cases, yet not one single vaccination has taken place yet. Its well over a week since Donnelly and co were out getting their photos alongside pallets of the vaccine,

In their minds is the virus just a Dublin, Cork and Galway thing too?


The writing has been on the wall for some time now.

This is outrageous.



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Surely the government could speed up the vaccine for those that need it across the country.

Complete incompetence. The elderly and vulnerable to this virus are been let down badly again.

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This is worth a listen. He speaks with a pollsters on how peoples podition on covid, the Governments performance and opinion to dr Tony reflect on voting patterns. It answers your question. Basically 37% of people agree with the Government and support Tony. Majority vote ffg. 10% of the country is OIUTF with 3% being OIUTF and right wing.

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I thought they were vaccinating staff the other day?

I have become understandably fatigued of the circular conversation on this topic, free speech evokes polarity and everything in between.
Your statement above gives comfort in that there is some understanding beyond political tic tac toe between the lesser of evils.

Genuine thanks :+1:

Willie Oā€™Dea will sort this

Imagine the taoiseach and tanaistes constituencies are sorted tho

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Thatā€™s it. An extraordinary madness has taken hold and we get to witness the extent to which our politicians are cowards enslaved to public opinion.

Weā€™ve had worse flu yearsā€¦why arenā€™t we howling at the murderous politicians who didnā€™t lockdown then. How did we survive, how did we not notice? Well according to todayā€™s logic we must have been monsters

The statistics are blatantly fraudulent but we can suspend our disbelief, and so we run with the stupid bloody notion that people have stopped dying of cancer, stroke and flu

But weā€™re nearing max icu capacity, they howl. Guess whatā€¦it was ever this and icu capacity it always has been adjusted to suit the need.

Not to mention the brain dead hordes defending cloth masks or even worse - face screens.

And no one asks if the billions of euros lost couldnā€™t have been spent on hospitals

And donā€™t dare mention the immune system- vitamin d etcā€¦thatā€™s superstition or something.

And we are waiting for a vaccine that wont make a bit of difference to the vast majority of the population. But we all lamented the lack of ventilators until we didnā€™t, I suppose we hot our placebo ventilators so weā€™ll have to get our placebo vaccines, with everything theyā€™ll entail.

And weā€™ll shriek morality and murder at people who want to save their business because we imagine weā€™re more at risk than the people who are missing actually missing their treatments and diagnosis for illnesses which they actually have

Maybe weā€™re due a great reset, couldnā€™t make us any worse.




just 2 questions which may seem silly

  • are those that have had COVID already getting vaccinated?

  • also if you get the vaccine who long does it last for? is in necessary to get it annually?

well that is 3 questions actually

Thank you.

I am really torn on this issue and thought a lot about it in recent times and read a lot about it. What I said there, best as I could put the crux, seems an anchor principle.

I accept corruption as a likely reality because there is so much money sloshing around. I have taken vitamin c, vitamin d and zinc every day for nearly the last 12 months. So I am aware of immunity topics. There is a lot to find out.

But there has to be a principle here, end of day, which is inevitably the stateā€™s duty of care. Glad you agree.

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It will be, do you think luke etc are going to kill a cash cow. And itā€™ll be tied to civil liberties, and itā€™s the thin end of the wedge. If this one is as good as compulsory so will others, and this one will be tweaked adjusted etc.

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