Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Giving vaccines to people who have already had the virus and produced antibodies would be really really stupid so I would say yes they will probably be forced to take the jab. Logic left the room a long time ago.


We don’t know fully how long immunity lasts but for most people it’s thought to be at least 6-9 months and should make any future Covid infection less severe.

The precedent with these vaccines is worrying though in terms of travel, attending a match, concerts etc,

But even more than that, the mRNA version isnt around that long. 10 months is it, for someone relatively fit and healthy - I don’t want to be taking that to be honest. How could it really be fully safe in that timeline as its a completely new technology.

Pretty sure Covid isnt going to hospitlize me. I’ve never taken the flu vaccine either etc.

In my view surely the vaccines should be just aimed at vulnerable groups primarily.


Are you surprised.

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Horrendous stuff if true.

They have been blocking medical supplies for years on and off into Gaza though, so its not a surprise.

Its a crime though.

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Palestine health authorities never asked for it

Automation was going to nail alot of these jobs eventually anyway, covid is just a catalyst for some of these changes. Sure the japs have had robots doing room service in hotels since 2018, drones doing delivery’s in oranmore for past few months… Etc etc…


I had a lovely drone delivered pizza in An furĂĄn only last week

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I wonder how long will it be before the algorithms become so smart that they just upgrade or re-code themselves and cut out human intervention.

A lot further away than self driving cars etc I guess, but the advances at the moment in technology are kind of frightening.

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Progress with automation is painfully slow. Getting there though.

Arah 100s of years. The Robots will have the main scenarios figured out by end of this century but it will never get to the bottom of certain stuff…

Take badmind for example. How does a computer learn about badmind? How does it teach itself to let stuff fester away on its hard disk, build up a file of issues where it should have said something but held back and instead it filed away a note of resentment on multiple occasions. Then you’d have a certain threshold on resentments and when that threshold of resentments was exceeded it would eventually burst into a litany of expletives and kick out at the nearest object. Or perhaps it doesn’t need to learn it but then its open to a bad minded human who’ll eventually win. Arah I don’t know, its late.


Looks like a lovely estate

Definitely in the top ten of estates built in Oranmore in the last decade or so

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Few lads here could do with some artificial intelligence

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Hope you’re right mate,

Have to say I enjoyed the below video from Boston dymanic on youtube the other day, class in fairness, :grin:

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I don’t know any parent who seriously thought the schools would be back Monday week

My understanding is you will get it but in the same order you would anyway i.e. If you are high risk or a health are worker you will be priotised, if you are young and healthy you will be entitled to get it when everyone else is sorted

So if someone has had Covid and thankfully beats it via their own immune system (which should mean they have good antibodies), they still need to top up their immunity with a vaccine for a noval virus thats around less than a year.

How have the scientists concluded that to be the case in such a short time?

Lot of holes in that surely.

Sure you’ve decided a lot more about covid in a lot less time with a lot less information and you aren’t a scientist


The world is gone mad.

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