Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Its mad what a bit of adversity does to people. Too many soft people in the world. We need another plauge to thin the herd

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Lets take covid out of it mate, simple question,

Why would someone who’s healthy and beaten a virus with their own immune system need to get a vaccination after that for the same virus?

It doesnt make sense.

Surely we can make the most vulnerable safe and move on after that.

The most vulnerable are getting it first. Its scaled. What arent you getting here?

I’m not a scientist pal.

Maybe it’s not absolutely necessary but just no harm giving it. Don’t know

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People have a prediction for religion and group faith. We’ve lost our spirituality and with it our acceptance of death. As a result we’re terrified and unwilling to accept our mortality, but coronavirus provides us with the perfect group worship experience…everyone believesthe same thing, we have our high priest scientist. It’s a sort of death cult


Is there a road map put out there for that? I’m seeing nothing conclusive other than directed mudslinging at the public about this and that shebeen been found.

The government and Nphet are only throwing out PCR test case numbers daily mate. That should be disbanded. People being admitted to hospitals should be the case numbers going forward. Fear mongering is a cod.

In terms of the vaccines, what about going to the office, concerts, sports events, planes for people later in the year who don’t want to take the vaccine.

Have you a view on that?

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On you completely changing the subject?

That’s all ground that’s been trampled over, again and again.

There is a vaccine rollout plan on the government website and an implementation plan. You don’t even have to search that hard,alternatively you could stay misinformed and shout at the clouds.

Look at the first sentence mate.

Is there a definitive plan in place for the elderly and most vulnerable?

I havent seen it myself.

Search the government website. It’s not hard. I posted it here recently. It’s been in all the communications. Healthcare workers and nursing homes are top priority.

But ya. You get mad for no reason at something that isnt happening

I’m actually not going mad this evening for once mate,

Quite optimistic about this lockdown, will try and get a few positive things done that I was probably putting off.

As I said to you back in March/April - agree to disagree. Have done the same with plenty of people in the real world.

Theres nothing to disagree about here. You’re wrong

Out of curiosity would you spend much time searching the government website looking for the rules?

It reminds me of when Phil hogan claimed he cranked up a computer and searched the governments website for social distancing guidelines which gave me a good chuckle.

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Zero. I searched for the vaccination plans because I was interested.

Serious question, have you looked for it?

Just in the media mate, which jokes aside, is generally where things normally leak to quicker than a government health website.

Am I missing something?

First google page, from a week and a half ago

You’ve decided something was happening based on nothing at all and had a full blown argument about it. Fucking hell

Wait till they put a machine gun in the dancing robots hands

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Why is the governments plan on a national vaccine roll out behind a pay-wall?

IT is Leos paper of choice for leaking to but it still isn’t a government website

There should be a quiz before people are given access to the internet. My fucking jesus