Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Sure whatever was there you’d find fault with. There’s no appeasing someone who’s goal it is to be outraged

How can you have targets for a vaccine that isnt mandatory can you tell me? Its optional.

The scientists etc that I’ve based my opinions on state an opinion, support it with evidence and adjust it or apologise as the picture evolves. Logic, ethics, reason.
Up here ian young wants the spotlight, is constantly on the media but only under the condition that he is not asked questions…a common pattern among the appointed few. Ian fergusson o’neill is the same…they’ll make proclamations but wont debate. The politicians say they’re "led by the science ", the scientists say they only advise the politicians who must make the decisions.
Both want to lead, but with the caveat of being able to blame the other
Frauds, classic frauds.


They should have targets mate, the vast majority of people are looking forward to getting the vaccines and maybe some semblence of normal life after this.

How can you have targets for something that isn’t mandatory? Do you want them to hold people down and vaccinate them?

Sure they had targets for the tracing app and not enough people downloaded and used it. That would have helped too.

Will you take the vaccine yourself?

Night kid.

Good night.

Goodnight lockdown


The first paragraph will have the LIDTF mentallers rubbing their temples in despair. I suggest these people don’t read it as it will be tough for them to process and the cognitive dissonance will result in them lashing out.


:joy::joy: You won’t see any commitments.

On another note I see the ‘high profile’ meeting between the government and the teachers unions isn’t happening till Wednesday… All to suit a few cunts who are still on annual leave no doubt. You won’t see them checking emails or jumping on conference calls tomorrow… Meanwhile the parents (and teachers) of the country have no idea on dates of kids returns to schools.


Great post

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I’m doing my best :unamused:


The figure for confirmed cases in hospital is down to 149 from 673…

Assume its an error…

Fair assumption

Whoever fired up the Excel spreadsheet this morning is in for a long day…

They used an * function instead of + on the excel

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It’s blasphemous, they won’t have their precious new religion questioned. Every day is the sabbath and no one is allowed to break it.

With these numbers it’s unreasonable to expect schools to reopen on 11th January.

What’s to stop extending the school year into June/July if necessary? State exams can commence afterwards, papers will have been printed etc.

There is a big onus on the teaching unions here.


673 up to 744

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He did

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There’s no way the schools should be let open. You also need to consider school going children may have brothers and sisters in childcare/crèches, and it’s imperative that crèches remain open. The only way to limit the spread of the disease and to limit the risk is for schools to move online until March. I’m very much in favour of a Zero Covid (with crèches open) approach now. It’s the only show in town.