Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

A dysfunctional health service is the primary reason lockdown is on the agenda for a second time.

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no mate, the primary reason there’s a lockdown is that we are living in a pandemic.

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I was one of the 1.3 million, fucking needed it here in covid ground zero. There is a huge trust issue with the government and the HSE especially when it looks like they are pulling figures and stories from their arse just to put the fear into the people.

Simon Harris

Brenda, Nuala, Bridie


Nothing but a wanker.


They are presenting the data as they have it. I don’t think they’re necessarily looking to scare people, I also don’t think that they are evil or have malcontent intentions as is the undercurrent narrative on here. They’ve made mistakes. They’ve got a shitty hand and are trying to manage it. Not easy.

The communication problems stem from the inconsistencies at the start where they were saying it was ok for people to come back and not isolate, then it wasn’t, masks weren’t necessary then they were, schools were vectors then they weren’t. Now they were just communicating with the information they had at the time but they are communicating everything as final with absolute certainty and it’s leading to disillusionment.

Leo didn’t help with his hero quotes and PR stunts. I think Martin has been somewhat more considerate in his approach in his addresses and despite his demeanor* the messaging has been stronger.

*his demeanor is even making it hard for people to accept the communication

Also, people need to remember we had a hung dail for the majority of this. We needed a strong dail and we got a coalition of FF/FG, one which is toxic IMO.


Nope, the virus has a fatality rate of 0.29% in the latest wave and a ICU incidence rate of 0.14%.

It’s the health service that is the problem.

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I agree with you on Martin being a bit better and more considerate and he has to deal with idiots in the coalition running to the press with everything that is being discussed. That doesn’t help things.

Just heard that a family across the road here, the husband tested positive for Covid, no symptoms so the whole family isolated and tested not one of them tested positive for the virus. Then there was a positive case in the primary school, the child showed no symptoms, the school contacted the HSE who said there was no need to isolate as the child was showing now symptoms so therefore was not “shedding” the virus.

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That sounds like bollox

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905 positive swabs from 14676 tests in the past 24 hours. 6.17% positivity rate.

Still a bit of a backlog from Thursday and Friday to appear in the daily cases figures…

So Level 3 was working :man_shrugging:t2:


Just like the last lockdown.
By the time they declared a lockdown it had already sorted itself out.

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“The WHO says the Covid 19 mortality rate is at least 10 times higher than the flu.
Breaking it down into smaller cohorts is irrelevant if that’s the increased scale of deaths overall”

The WHO estimate was made in March, their claimed mortality rate was 3.4%. The mortality rate of the flu is estimated to be 0.1-0.2%.

The WHO as recent as early October estimated that 10% of the world’s population had been infected with SARS-2, that’s 760 million people. We have 1.12 million deaths as of today, so an IFR of 0.15% or right in the middle of the flu mortality range.

Breaking the data down into smaller cohorts is absolutely relevant, as it should dictate the public health policy response. Would schools be open if the mortality rate for children was 10x higher than the flu? The flu can actually be fairly dangerous for kids. The most recent studies done in NY demonstrate that not alone are kids not getting sick from Covid, most of them are not even getting infected nor transmitting the virus. We don’t know why this is but it’s thought to have to do with the specifics of their immune system.

Claiming that Covid has 10X the mortality rate of the flu is just scaremongering at this point, the data since April simply doesn’t support it, and the WHO’s estimate on infections make the claim a nonsense. Covid is a dangerous disease for the elderly and for those with (by and large) obesity related illnesses. Public policy should be designed around protecting those groups.


That is what it says in the communication from the HSE to the school and this is the problem there is conflicting information or they are just making up shit to keep the schools open. Maybe they are using Trump tactics to play down the virus.

What the fuck would Roger Daltry know about it?

At least he wasn’t fooled again.


They certainly didn’t give level 3 or the newer house visiting restrictions a chance. It will be interesting to see if numbers start dropping in the next week.

Stainesy on the radio there saying an 8-10 week lockdown is needed, and “reopening” for Christmas will only ensure we’re back in another lockdown early in the new year.

cc @Tassotti

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We are at nowhere near March numbers though. We just are testing way more

They are trying to scare people and they were correct to do so back in March to ensure compliance. They have continually changed what they are reporting on. ICU then deaths then cases when the other 2 metrics dropped. RTE are complicit in this and have been nonstop scaremongering since March. I would imagine that they didn’t realise at the time that they would still be doing this in October.

I fully expect that we will start seeing some “good news” stories now in the coming weeks about people adapting really well in lockdown and learning new hobbies and singing to each other and Simon Harris getting thank you letters from Rudolph the fucknuts Reindeer because they realise half the country are ready to do a header off a bridge so roll back on the misery there for lockdown and whenever we get out of this it will be straight back to nonstop misery and scaremongering.