Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

If you are a good lad you’ll be allowed down to Wexford to stand on your parents lawn for 10 minutes singing Jingle Bells before you’ll have to head back to Dublin.


You had to tick all the boxes to get a test in March.
Now people who don’t tick any box are getting positive results.

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say we are catching 10 times the cases.


Ok. There are roughly 1000 cases per day and lets say 2 new admissions to ICU per day on average, right now, so .2% of new cases get admitted to hospital. Lets assume a doubling of cases every 2 weeks, with no measures

So in 2 weeks, we’d be getting 2000 cases and 4 a day in ICU
in 4 weeks we’d be getting 4000 cases and 8 a day in ICU
in 6 weeks we’d be getting 8000 cases and 16 a day in ICU

It’s a pandemic problem

The health systems must be dysfunctional across most of Europe so?

How many a day were going to ICU in March?

All I can think of that they’re trying to ‘save’ is all gathering together as an extended family young and old and getting pissed drunk in pubs. Fuck all else goes on. Neither seem at all likely at this stage no matter what we do. Santa Claus is the other big one and that definitely will happen

@carryharry would you advocate that government send out pre-rolled joints in the post to every house once a week so that everyone can just kick back and relax at home?


I don’t have the numbers to hand

That’s absolute bollocks. They locked down on March 27th at circa 300 cases per day.

By middle of April there were circa 500 cases per day

What an excellent post

How many were they testing in mid March?

They gave him an award, he’s NEVER GOING TO STOP.

5km limit

No it’s a problem with the health service. They have one of the lowest ICU beds per population in Europe.

A proper health service would be able to cater for multiple levels of current Covid infection.

Which countries in Europe have proper health services that can cater for the covid pandemic and so don’t have restrictions in place?

Why do you say that? Most European countries have far higher incidence rates and nowhere near as Draconian lockdown measures as the 26.

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Ok mate, you’ve bedded in here. Keep thinking that.

“expert modellers” . Good one.


The facts bear that out.

Any facts in support of this contention?