Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

We should go with Level 2 until March and review.

The government fucked up, the health service is a bombscare, they had 6 months to address emergency ICU capacity, a proper system that allows ongoing healthcare services to be provided and segregated from Covid and couldnā€™t manage it. They made a balls of the contact tracing and replaced a Boscophile with a Minister for Trampolines.

FFG are a fucking embarrassment. A narcissistic gaylord running about trying to undermine a meek Monty Burns parody at every given opportunity. Itā€™s a total shitshow.


what I think it is fascinating is that yet again it is proven the vast majority of Irish people absolutely love being told what to do, first it was the Brits, then the Catholic Church and now NPeht


We love a pat on the head and being told weā€™re doing a great job.

A nation of nodding dogs.


That perfectly describes this thread

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The last sting of a dying wasp

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I donā€™t understand the need to be contrarian on everything I post.

I fully accept that the industry is in trouble but the point was why invest in anything after the last 6 months?

All people and businesses are clearly ā€œnot all in this togetherā€ going on the last few months. You close down voluntarily, see months of trade gone, open slower than everywhere else and spend a bomb on same. Yes there are supports but those supports are not going to pay the rent or give you any confidence for the future. When you see the chaos of contact tracing and the general decision making process, followed by a ā€œwe are going to be in and out of thisā€. That doesnā€™t give you confidence.

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you replied to me originally on this particular subject, disagreeing with my view. Iā€™m not going to agree with you if I think what you are saying is wrong

War is long periods of boredom broken up by short bursts of terror.


There were fans in the stands at the Liege-Sevco game last night.

Isnā€™t Belgium one of the worst impacted countries in Europe right now?

Personally if it means the death of rugby football, Iā€™m willing to go a bit longer on fans returning to the stadium but I think the level of restrictions in the 26 are utterly bonkers.


I just found this photo on Facebook. The person who posted it says itā€™s the view from their apartment window in Nanjing, China, just before the lockdown then during lockdown.

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A very very funny side-effect of the lockdown will be the complete obliteration of Ireland as a force in international rugby. I presume none of the lads in private schools have been properly training all year, am I right? Compare that to New Zealand. Imagine whatā€™s going to happen in about 5 or 6 years time. :joy: :joy:

ā€œItā€™s great that lads canā€™t trade in their premises nor trade in the expensive outdoor seating area they constructed but they can sell a few vegetablesā€

The 6 counties should be wiped out by the pandemic judging by reports from Dublin MSM in early October. Maybe someone forgot to tell them up there. Even in some quarters (David Cullinane) they were saying we should open up our hospital beds so our northern brethren could make use of them for expected surge. RTE reports suggest that deaths have quadrupled in a week. If you look at the bare number there were 27 one week and 8 the previous week. There were 5 today. Hardly that statistically significant given such small numbers. And they are holding firm.

Numbers are beginning to stabilise, All shops are open, tennis clubs, gyms, swimming pools all open. They have not banned household visits (6 people from 2 different households permitted). They have closed hospitality sector but hope to reopen it again indoors in middle of November and have given 2 weeks as opposed to 1 for mid term break. Today they are voting on not using rolling lockdowns as a strategy.

Not a bad outcome you might say for a power sharing executive that is only back a wet week and are voting on a new strategy that precludes lockdowns from being used in future. It seems like utopia in comparison to the shitshow down here.


Cc @KinvarasPassion

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Thatā€™s two entirely different scenes.

Endless cynicism on this thread

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Wonā€™t be a problem. Theyā€™ll just pick up a few more newly obese lads.

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Anyone broken the 5k limit yet?

I was in and out to Oughterard there yesterday on business. Not a bother

I jogged for 5.1km yesterday evening.