Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Ah grand heading out on the bike now as soon as the rain stops. Donā€™t want to be catching a cold with this virus about.

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Earthā€™s or jumps?

Youā€™re as bad as @KinvarasPassion and as good as @backinatracksuit



Heā€™s also posted that heā€™s given up smoking. Would explain the clear view.


Howā€™d ya get back home?

Did they move apartment?


Cases continue to reach record levels this week over here. New restrictions announced today.

  • All the country in the red zone.
  • Primary school classes 6-8 go online. Younger kids continue to go to school.
  • Kids up to 16 years of age not allowed to go outside from 8am-4pm
  • Restaurants and pubs shut for two weeks. Can only operate on takeaway basis.
  • Gatherings of more then five people outside households prohibited. Business meetings allowed.
  • Sporting events allowed without spectators
  • Cultural events restricted to 25% of the normal audience.
  • Seniors aged above 70 years told to stay indoors.
  • Decision to be taken on 1 November cemetery visits to be taken next week. Advice is to stay at home.

All these actions have been consulted with epidemiologists.These restrictions are expected to have an impact within 10-14 days. If they donā€™t work, additional measures will be introduced.

The PM referred to Ireland and Czech shutting down their economies and said that they want to avoid doing that.


Youā€™re welcome buddy

The kids indoors thing has been done in a few countries I think, Spain anyway? I donā€™t think weā€™ve done that yet here in either lockdown.

Breda on Newstalk now saying the restrictions are great

Lads are coming apart at the seams here

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It was introduced during the initial lockdown. I donā€™t see the point of limiting it to 8am-4pm.

Restrictions that appear illogical are now beginning to draw more widespread criticism in Ireland.

The interesting thing is that the Irish government is far from alone in making what appear to be illogical decisions, the baby cases in Australia being a depressing example of worship at the covid altar.

In Wales it appears supermarkets are open but non essential items have been covered up.

It will be an interesting look back in a few years for somebody to figure out why governments around the world appeared to get tangled up in arbitrary restrictions and lost sight of the core issues.


We have lost the fucking plot.


Yeah, actually now that you say it, why are they making the kids go out at night? Doesnā€™t make a pile of sense.

Theyā€™re just giving them a small window to play outside. More or less the same as school hours. So if some classes arenā€™t in school theyā€™re not all gathering outside thus negating the effect of closing the class.

Weddings in pubs

Weddings are permitted in pubs. FƔilte Ireland has received an update from the Department of an Taoiseach relating to weddings in level 5 of the Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021: Plan for Living with COVID-19.

The updated guidelines state:

  • Guests (ceremony and reception) ā€“ 25 (not including bride, groom and essential staff)
  • Travel ā€“ guests can travel to attend wedding
  • Hotel accommodation for guests ā€“ permitted for bride, groom and 25 guests only
  • Hair and make-up services ā€“ not permitted (in any setting)
  • Wedding dress shops ā€“ closed to public
  • Baker/cake ā€“ permitted
  • Photographer ā€“ permitted
  • Live music/dancing ā€“ not permitted (reception fully seated)
  • Novelty supplies/acts ā€“ not permitted
