Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Level 5 working already :+1::+1:

Even the lad inventing the numbers is getting right lazy.
Numbers falling before any lockdown kicks in it would seem. They’ve sent us over the cliff for the laugh


The conspiracy theorists will love this. Just wait till it hits 666

They have banjacksed the country on the orders of that megalomaniac Holohan

Looking forward to George Lee reminding us not to take any one days figures as significant.


And no doubt Tubs will be lauding him as a national hero tonight

Pass the sick bucket. The LIDTF crew from here glued to it and cheering on

A notable drop in cases before the big interview I see, congratulations all round. Still enough deaths though to keep us on our toes just in case

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They haven’t been a novelty for 10 years plus.

RTE frantically trying to figure out how to spin the 777 cases tonight.

Not in the first two news items.

They’ll probably show John Gilligan next.

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Government: any change needs 3 weeks to work

2 weeks into level 3: PANIC!!!

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Dint worry lads. It’ll balloon back up as a result of the track and trace fuck up.

What’s the feeling on the ground today lads, my auld went to Limerick today for shopping, was stopped and said he was going shopping. The whole thing is a cod, even the guards know it

Or maybe Level 3 was working but it’s only showing now.

Useless fact, apparently 666 is a mistranslation. And it should be 616.

That is what they want you to believe

Oh no! Not them again!

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The guards are embarrassed by it. They will be using the new enforcements mostly to control Gembot crackpots who wouldnt be growing in such numbers if the enforcements didn’t exist in the first place. A self fulfilling prophecy if you will

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George is finding reasons to be cheerful in today’s numbers.

Just for a second. He’s quickly moved onto some negatives.

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