Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

He was in danger of saying Level 3 was working just fine there for a sec

So when they actually dug into the figures it was doing exactly what it was supposed to do.

Is this for the wedding night?

Someone shouting in his earpiece no doubt

“Say on message Georgie, stay on message Georgie”

That was a lovely report there from St Josephs primary school in Rathwire. Have to keep the schools open, bad enough the rest of the country is miserable need to at least try and keep the kids smiling


Agree with this. Doing collect there this afternoon, the kids all dresssed up for Halloween and loving the craic. All hollering see ya in a week and giving high fives.

If the teachers shut this down we should hang them at dawn.

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I predict Callan will be getting a well liked nomination on the COTY thread
A handy tap in for whoever wants it

There are long term consequences to kids not being in school.

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Leo proven right again

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He has too much class to say “I told you so”.

Why is he replying to that utter creep.

Leo has some crackpot bedfellows.

Flesh that out.

Kilkenny are cunts

I think that’s his way of calling callan a cunt

It’s great to be so flexible in your thoughts, makes you a top top poster.

Even NPHET know it’s over

Why are they doing this? This field hospitals should he the first port of call. Try and keep Covid out of the main hospitals as much as possible.


I’d imagine the university want the hall back

For what? They’re locked down.