Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

It works out at less than 1.5 patients a day.

There is a surge coming

Its fizzling out

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Polish restrictions look way worse than here. Kids not allowed outside between 8 and 4. Mad stuff.

There are plans for some hospitals for fast track builds for specific isolation units within hospitals. So the a&e entrance is adjusted where you’ve two entrances basically, one into the standard hospital emergency and the other redirects you to an isolated Covid section. Also within hospitals then are specific rooms for Covid patients which are different from normal ward rooms. The question could be asked why they are only fast tracking now, maybe the thought was the virus had gone away since the initial wave and there was no need, but these projects are going from design to site within 4 weeks so urgency is definitely in play now.




I’ve been saying both of those things.

Which causes a heap of lads to have to disagree with both of those things

It’s impossible

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Could it be because that lab in cork stopped processing tests?

I feel like Richard Ashcroft when he hears people singing Bittersweet Symphony and he knows it’s he not really his anymore and he just has to let it to into the world.

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You have to chose what way your argument falls depending on who said it, need to keep up the feuds

It wasn’t even his to start with

I feared the worst earlier when I visited the rte app and there’s not a sign of a headline with covid numbers in it. Quisling cunts.

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Went to work in east cork, drove to limerick City visiting relatives, out to the mother and back to cork. No checkpoints. The guards know better to stop folk going about their business. its all a cod

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This lady :heart_eyes:

She has the spirit of the blitz. Fair play to here

I haven’t been following her utterings closely (but think she was in the OIUTF camp) but looks like Newstalks own Doctor Ciara Kelly has deleted her twitter account

Has the junta got to her ?

Another nursing home has falling while the dear leader address the late late

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